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Delete a specific string with tr

Is it possible to delete a specific string with tr command in a UNIX-Shell? For example: If I type:

tr -d "1." 

and the input is 1.1231, it would show 23 as an output, but I want it to show 1231 (notice only the first 1 has gone). How would I do that?

If you know a solution or a better way, please explain the syntax since I don't want to just copy&paste but also to learn.

I have huge problems with awk, so if you use this, please explain it even more.

like image 323
intelinside Avatar asked Apr 23 '12 14:04


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Using tr Command to Delete Characters The most common usage for tr is to delete characters from an input stream. You can use the -d (--delete) option followed by the character, set of characters or an interpreted sequence.

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1 Answers

In your example above the cut command would suffice.

Example: echo '1.1231' | cut -d '.' -f 2 would return 1231.

For more information on cut, just type man cut.

like image 53
Kevin Sjöberg Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 10:10

Kevin Sjöberg