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Is there a "set" data structure in bash?




Python has a "set" type which contains unique objects. Does Bash have something equivalent?

I want to keep adding elements to such a bash "set" and never have duplicates.

like image 305
McBear Holden Avatar asked Aug 17 '11 21:08

McBear Holden

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2 Answers

Bash 4.0 has associative arrays, which can be used to build sets.

Here's an article that discusses them (it was the first Google hit for "bash associative arrays").

(Personally, I'd just use something other than bash, probably Perl.)

like image 97
Keith Thompson Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10

Keith Thompson

some_dups=(aa aa b b c)
uniques=($(for v in "${some_dups[@]}"; do echo "$v";done| sort| uniq| xargs))
echo "${uniques[@]}"


aa b c

also in bash 3, where no associative arrays are available

like image 16
vak Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10
