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How does "(head; tail) < file" work?




(via https://stackoverflow.com/a/8624829/23582)

How does (head; tail) < file work? Note that cat file | (head;tail) doesn't.

Also, why does (head; wc -l) < file give 0 for the output of wc?

Note: I understand how head and tail work. Just not the subtleties involved with these particular invocations.

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zellyn Avatar asked Dec 05 '12 07:12


People also ask

How do you use head and tail command?

To read the entire file, 'cat', 'more', and 'less' commands are used. But when the specific part of the file is required to read then 'head' and 'tail' commands are used to do that task. 'head' command is used to read the file from the beginning and the 'tail' command is used to read the file from the ending.

What does tail file do?

The tail command shows you data from the end of a file. Usually, new data is added to the end of a file, so the tail command is a quick and easy way to see the most recent additions to a file. It can also monitor a file and display each new text entry to that file as they occur.

How does tail follow work?

The tail -f command prints the last 10 lines of a text or log file, and then waits for new additions to the file to print it in real time. This allows administrators to view a log message as soon as a system creates it.

What does mean in the tail command?

The tail command, as the name implies, print the last N number of data of the given input. By default it prints the last 10 lines of the specified files. If more than one file name is provided then data from each file is precedes by its file name.

2 Answers


For OS X, you can look at the source code for head and the source code for tail to figure out some of what's going on. In the case of tail, you'll want to look at forward.c.

So, it turns out that head doesn't do anything special. It just reads its input using the stdio library, so it reads a buffer at a time and might read too much. This means cat file | (head; tail) won't work for small files where head's buffering makes it read some (or all) of the last 10 lines.

On the other hand, tail checks the type of its input file. If it's a regular file, tail seeks to the end and reads backwards until it finds enough lines to emit. This is why (head; tail) < file works on any regular file, regardless of size.


You could look at the source for head and tail on Linux too, but it's easier to just use strace, like this:

(strace -o /tmp/head.trace head; strace -o /tmp/tail.trace tail) < file 

Take a look at /tmp/head.trace. You'll see that the head command tries to fill a buffer (of 8192 bytes in my test) by reading from standard input (file descriptor 0). Depending on the size of file, it may or may not fill the buffer. Anyway, let's assume that it reads 10 lines in that first read. Then, it uses lseek to back up the file descriptor to the end of the 10th line, essentially “unreading” any extra bytes it read. This works because the file descriptor is open on a normal, seekable file. So (head; tail) < file will work for any seekable file, but it won't make cat file | (head; tail) work.

On the other hand, tail does not (in my testing) seek to the end and read backwards, like it does on OS X. At least, it doesn't read all the way back to the beginning of the file.

Here's my test. Create a small, 12-line input file:

yes | head -12 | cat -n > /tmp/file 

Then, try (head; tail) < /tmp/file on Linux. I get this with GNU coreutils 5.97:

     1  y      2  y      3  y      4  y      5  y      6  y      7  y      8  y      9  y     10  y     11  y     12  y 

But on OS X, I get this:

     1  y      2  y      3  y      4  y      5  y      6  y      7  y      8  y      9  y     10  y      3  y      4  y      5  y      6  y      7  y      8  y      9  y     10  y     11  y     12  y 
like image 118
rob mayoff Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09

rob mayoff

the parenthesis here create a subshell which is another instance of the interpreter to run the commands that are inside, what is interesting is that the subshell acts as a single stdin/stdout combo; in this case it'll first connect stdin to head which echoes the first 10 lines and closes the pipe then the subshell connects its stdin to tail which consumes the rest and writes back the last 10 lines to stdout, but the subshell takes both outputs and writes them as its own stdout and that's why it appears combined.

it's worth mentioning that the same effect could be achieved with command grouping like { head; tail; } < file which is cheaper because it doesn't create another instance of bash.

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Samus_ Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09
