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Crossing axis and labels in matlab

I just can't find it. How to set up axis and labels in matlab so they cross at zero point, with the labels just below the axis not on left/bottom of the plot ?

If I didn't make myself clear - I just want the plot to look like like we all used to draw it when in school. Axes crossing, 4 quadrants, labels right below axis, curve ... as it goes.

Anyone knows how to set it up ?

like image 294
Rook Avatar asked Sep 23 '09 14:09


1 Answers

You should check out two submissions on The MathWorks File Exchange:

  • PlotAxisAtOrigin by Shanrong Zhang
  • axescenter by Matt Fig

Hopefully these will work with whatever MATLAB version you have (the submission from Matt Fig is the most recently updated one).

like image 107
gnovice Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09
