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Calculating B spline basis in Matlab in the same way as R's bs() function

I am on the lookout for (an ideally inbuilt) function in Matlab that calculates a B spline basis matrix the same way as in R, e.g. for a spline basis with 20 equally spaced knots of degree 3, I would do in R

B = bs(x = seq(0,1,length.out=100),
        knots = seq(0, 1, length.out=20), # 20 knots
        degree = 3,
        intercept = FALSE)

enter image description here

To get the same in Matlab I thought I could use

B = spcol(linspace(0,1,20),3,linspace(0,1,100));

enter image description here

but as can be seen the boundary knots then are missing. Any thoughts what would be the equivalent syntax in Matlab to get the same as in R?

PS The code that R is using for bs() is in somewhat simplified form:

basis <- function(x, degree, i, knots) {
  if(degree == 0){
    B <- ifelse((x >= knots[i]) & (x < knots[i+1]), 1, 0)
  } else {
    if((knots[degree+i] - knots[i]) == 0) {
      alpha1 <- 0
    } else {
      alpha1 <- (x - knots[i])/(knots[degree+i] - knots[i])
    if((knots[i+degree+1] - knots[i+1]) == 0) {
      alpha2 <- 0
    } else {
      alpha2 <- (knots[i+degree+1] - x)/(knots[i+degree+1] - knots[i+1])
    B <- alpha1*basis(x, (degree-1), i, knots) + alpha2*basis(x, (degree-1), (i+1), knots)

bs <- function(x, degree=3, interior.knots=NULL, intercept=FALSE, Boundary.knots = c(0,1)) {
  if(missing(x)) stop("You must provide x")
  if(degree < 1) stop("The spline degree must be at least 1")
  Boundary.knots <- sort(Boundary.knots)
  interior.knots.sorted <- NULL
  if(!is.null(interior.knots)) interior.knots.sorted <- sort(interior.knots)
  knots <- c(rep(Boundary.knots[1], (degree+1)), interior.knots.sorted, rep(Boundary.knots[2], (degree+1)))
  K <- length(interior.knots) + degree + 1
  B.mat <- matrix(0,length(x),K)
  for(j in 1:K) B.mat[,j] <- basis(x, degree, j, knots)
  if(any(x == Boundary.knots[2])) B.mat[x == Boundary.knots[2], K] <- 1
  if(intercept == FALSE) {
  } else {
like image 593
Tom Wenseleers Avatar asked Jul 23 '18 09:07

Tom Wenseleers

People also ask

What is basis function in B-spline?

B-splines of order. are basis functions for spline functions of the same order defined over the same knots, meaning that all possible spline functions can be built from a linear combination of B-splines, and there is only one unique combination for each spline function.

What does BS function do in R?

bs is based on the function splineDesign . It generates a basis matrix for representing the family of piecewise polynomials with the specified interior knots and degree, evaluated at the values of x . A primary use is in modeling formulas to directly specify a piecewise polynomial term in a model.

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1 Answers

Two things are going wrong in your code

  1. I think there is some confusion here between degree and order. You correctly specified degree=3 in your R code, but in MATLAB the argument passed to spcol is the order of the spline. In general, a spline function of order n is a piecewise polynomial of degree n-1. [1]

    Because MATLAB's spcol accepts the order as an input, you need to specify order=4 rather than what you thought you'd done which is degree=3! You generated a quadratic spline in MATLAB, and a cubic spline in R.

  2. It looks like the end knots in your R plot have non-singular multiplicity, by which I mean they are repeated. Making the end-points have multiplicity of degree+1 (in our case 4) means that their positions coincide with the control polygon, these are known as clamped knots. [2]

    In the R documentation for bs it states that the knots array contains the internal breakpoints. It looks like the boundary knots are defined to be clamped in your longer code sample, since they are repeated degree+1 times, on this line:

    knots <- c(rep(Boundary.knots[1], (degree+1)), interior.knots.sorted, rep(Boundary.knots[2], (degree+1)))

    This makes sense for clamped end-points, and backs up the earlier point about the use of the degree input.

    So our knots vector (with clamped end-points) in MATLAB should be:

    k = [0, 0, 0, linspace(0,1,20), 1, 1, 1]


Let's use order 4, and a knots vector with clamped knots at the end-points:

B = spcol([0, 0, 0, linspace(0,1,20), 1, 1, 1], 4, linspace(0,1,100)); 

b spline basis MATLAB

We can now see the boundary knots like they are in the R plot, and the 2 additional peaks at each end which are smaller due to the influence of the degree 3 clamped knots.

Further reading

[1]: Wikipedia B-spline page

[2]: Useful page from MIT which describes clamped nodes and the mathematics in more depth.

like image 110
Wolfie Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 02:09
