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bookdown with specific latex template

I very much believe that Rmarkdown and bookdown are the future of content publishing, however some publishers use specific LaTeX templates, and in order to submit the manuscript they need it in that precise template.

For example, see this Springer manuscript template:


Is it possible to make bookdown use this template in order to produce a PDF file?

EDIT: in this book (https://bookdown.org/yihui/bookdown/) on section 4.2 Theming I read it is indeed possible, but I might end up designing a "custom Pandoc LaTeX template".

I guess the question is now about how to design this Pandoc template, and section 4.3 provides some details about it.

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Adrian Avatar asked Jul 26 '16 20:07


1 Answers

You don't really have to use a custom Pandoc LaTeX template (of course you can if you want). Tweaking a few options and you will be done. I just put an example in the bookdown-demo repository. See this commit for what I changed, and see here for a PDF example.

You almost surely still have to tweak other things, one of which might be the index page. I also made an example for that.

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Yihui Xie Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Yihui Xie