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Error BTYD: pnbd.EstimateParameters: L-BFGS-B needs finite values of 'fn'




Using > params <- pnbd.EstimateParameters(cal.cbs)

from the BTYD package i get following error:

"optim(logparams, pnbd.eLL, cal.cbs = cal.cbs, max.param.value = max.param.value, L-BFGS-B needs finite values of 'fn'".

What does this mean? What could be the reason for this error? My cbs(customer by sufficient statistic) matrix is 21394 3 large with the desired colums: x, t.x, T.cal.

Info cbs:

  1. max(cal.cbs$x)=302
  2. min(cal.cbs$x)=0
  3. max(cal.cbs$t.x)=89
  4. min(cal.cbs$t.x)=0
  5. max(cal.cbs$T.cal)=89.57143
  6. min(cal.cbs$T.cal)=0
like image 386
dschn Avatar asked Oct 09 '14 14:10


1 Answers

I spent some time to read and change the source code, and finally find out the computation error during the calculation of log likelihood and fixed. You can run the code below and call the pnbd.EstimateParameters.ori() function to try it again. It works for my case (I had exactly the same error as you have).

pnbd.cbs.LL.ori = 
function (params, cal.cbs) 
    dc.check.model.params(c("r", "alpha", "s", "beta"), params, 
    tryCatch(x <- cal.cbs[, "x"], error = function(e) stop("Error in pnbd.cbs.LL: cal.cbs must have a frequency column labelled \"x\""))
    tryCatch(t.x <- cal.cbs[, "t.x"], error = function(e) stop("Error in pnbd.cbs.LL: cal.cbs must have a recency column labelled \"t.x\""))
    tryCatch(T.cal <- cal.cbs[, "T.cal"], error = function(e) stop("Error in pnbd.cbs.LL: cal.cbs must have a column for length of time observed labelled \"T.cal\""))
    if ("custs" %in% colnames(cal.cbs)) {
        custs <- cal.cbs[, "custs"]
    else {
        custs <- rep(1, length(x))
    return(sum(custs * pnbd.LL.ori(params, x, t.x, T.cal)))## changed

pnbd.LL.ori  = 
function (params, x, t.x, T.cal) 
    max.length <- max(length(x), length(t.x), length(T.cal))
    if (max.length%%length(x)) 
        warning("Maximum vector length not a multiple of the length of x")
    if (max.length%%length(t.x)) 
        warning("Maximum vector length not a multiple of the length of t.x")
    if (max.length%%length(T.cal)) 
        warning("Maximum vector length not a multiple of the length of T.cal")
    dc.check.model.params(c("r", "alpha", "s", "beta"), params, 
    if (any(x < 0) || !is.numeric(x)) 
        stop("x must be numeric and may not contain negative numbers.")
    if (any(t.x < 0) || !is.numeric(t.x)) 
        stop("t.x must be numeric and may not contain negative numbers.")
    if (any(T.cal < 0) || !is.numeric(T.cal)) 
        stop("T.cal must be numeric and may not contain negative numbers.")
    x <- rep(x, length.out = max.length)
    t.x <- rep(t.x, length.out = max.length)
    T.cal <- rep(T.cal, length.out = max.length)
    r <- params[1]
    alpha <- params[2]
    s <- params[3]
    beta <- params[4]
    maxab <- max(alpha, beta)
    absab <- abs(alpha - beta)
    param2 <- s + 1
    if (alpha < beta) {
        param2 <- r + x
    part1 <- r * log(alpha) + s * log(beta) - lgamma(r) + lgamma(r + 
    part2 <- -(r + x) * log(alpha + T.cal) - s * log(beta + T.cal)
    if (absab == 0) {
        F1 <- -(r + s + x) * log(maxab + t.x)
        F2 <- -(r + s + x) * log(maxab + T.cal)
        partF <- subLogs.ori(F1, F2)## changed
    else {
        F1 <- hyperg_2F1(r + s + x, param2, r + s + x + 1, absab/(maxab + 
            t.x))/((maxab + t.x)^(r + s + x))
        F2 <- hyperg_2F1(r + s + x, param2, r + s + x + 1, absab/(maxab + 
            T.cal))/((maxab + T.cal)^(r + s + x))
        partF <- log(F1 - F2)

    part3 <- log(s) - log(r + s + x) + partF
    ## modified
    result = part1+ part2+ log(1 + exp(part3 - part2))

subLogs.ori = 
function (loga, logb) 
## this function is modified
    myvec = loga - logb
    sel = myvec <30
    result = rep(0,length(myvec))
    result[sel] = logb[sel] + log(exp(loga[sel] - logb[sel]) - 1)
    result[!sel] = loga[!sel]


pnbd.EstimateParameters.ori = function (cal.cbs, par.start = c(1, 1, 1, 1), max.param.value = 10000) 
    dc.check.model.params(c("r", "alpha", "s", "beta"), par.start, 
    pnbd.eLL <- function(params, cal.cbs, max.param.value) {
        params <- exp(params)
        params[params > max.param.value] <- max.param.value
        return(-1 * pnbd.cbs.LL.ori(params, cal.cbs))## changed
    logparams <- log(par.start)
    results <- optim(logparams, pnbd.eLL, cal.cbs = cal.cbs, 
        max.param.value = max.param.value, method = "L-BFGS-B")
    estimated.params <- exp(results$par)
    estimated.params[estimated.params > max.param.value] <- max.param.value

params <- pnbd.EstimateParameters.ori(cal.cbs)
like image 128
user3125873 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
