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Converting R formula format to mathematical equation




When we fit a statistical model in R, say

lm(y ~ x, data=dat)

We use R's special formula syntax: "y~x"

Is there something that converts from such a formula to the corresponding equation? In this case it could be written as:

y = B0 + B1*x

This would be very useful! For one, because with more complicated formulae I don't trust my translation. Second, in scientific papers written with R/Sweave/knitr, sometimes the model should be reported in equation form and for fully reproducible research, we'd like to do this in automated fashion.

like image 806
Alex Holcombe Avatar asked Oct 12 '13 23:10

Alex Holcombe

1 Answers

Just had a quick play and got this working:

# define a function to take a linear regression
#  (anything that supports coef() and terms() should work)
expr.from.lm <- function (fit) {
  # the terms we're interested in
  con <- names(coef(fit))
  # current expression (built from the inside out)
  expr <- quote(epsilon)
  # prepend expressions, working from the last symbol backwards
  for (i in length(con):1) {
    if (con[[i]] == '(Intercept)')
        expr <- bquote(beta[.(i-1)] + .(expr))
        expr <- bquote(beta[.(i-1)] * .(as.symbol(con[[i]])) + .(expr))
  # add in response
  expr <- bquote(.(terms(fit)[[2]]) == .(expr))
  # convert to expression (for easy plotting)

# generate and fit dummy data
df <- data.frame(iq=rnorm(10), sex=runif(10) < 0.5, weight=rnorm(10), height=rnorm(10))
f <- lm(iq ~ sex + weight + height, df)
# plot with our expression as the title
plot(resid(f), main=expr.from.lm(f))

Seems to have lots of freedom about what variables are called, and whether you actually want the coefficients in there as well—but seems good for a start.

like image 88
Sam Mason Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 06:10

Sam Mason