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Xcode 8.3.3 "No accounts with iTunes Connect access"

When trying to upload an App to iTunes connect in Xcode 8.3.3, I get the error:

iTunes Connect access for "Team-Name" is required. Add an account in the Accounts preference plane.


The account already exists and (in some cases) has been working without incident previously.

How do I get around this issue with Xcode so that I can upload my app to the AppStore?

like image 892
José Miguel Avatar asked Sep 15 '17 03:09

José Miguel

2 Answers

Had the same problem, First had to export the .ipa to disk using XCode and then upload to the AppStore with Application Loader tool.

It worked.

like image 80
mtkale Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09


I suspect that Apple has broken something with the IOS 11, etc upgrades going on. It was all working fine over the last few months, including yesterday, and suddenly today its broken.

As a temporary solution, I had to use export to local disk (from Archive), then select: XCode/Open Developer Tool/Application Loader.

like image 36
John MacLean Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09

John MacLean