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Xcode 8 recompiling complete code every time




With any change in code (though file is not in .pch), complete project recompiles every time.

like image 777
Mahvish Avatar asked Oct 07 '22 13:10


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2 Answers

Update 2017/1/2

This issue has not been resolved at Xcode 8.2.1 (for my project)

How to survive?

Code IDE: Xcode/Atom
Build: xcrun
Debug: Xcode (Control + Command + R)

Update 2016/12/17

This issue has not been resolved at Xcode 8.2.

Update 2016/12/12

Atom to code and command line to build and debug is my choice now. Hope Apple will fix this legit bug soon.

Update 2016/12/04

This issue seem resolved with Xcode 8.2 (beta 2).

But for me its not be resolved, i face this issue even when i use Xcode 8.2. You can give it a try (download Xcode8.2 beta2 here)

Build System • Xcode will not rebuild an entire target when only small changes have occurred. (28892475)

Old answer: This is a work around:

enter image description here "Build Setting" tab -> "C Language Dialect" -> Change it to "Compiler Default".

For reference:

The "C Language Dialect" was set to "GNU99" instead of "Compiler Default". Previously the standard was GNU99 but now its not. At some point Xcode did not migrate the library project settings correctly and so it was set to GNU99. Once I changed it to GNU99 it stopped recompiling all my code every time !

like image 34
Nhat Dinh Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 03:10

Nhat Dinh

Go to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme. Select Build in left side column and uncheck "Find implicit dependencies"

But this flag should remain checked when you are building the project for first time..

like image 22
Madhuri Mane Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 02:10

Madhuri Mane