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How to get all enum values as an array

People also ask

How do I get all enum cases?

To enable it, all you need to do is make your enum conform to the CaseIterable protocol and at compile time Swift will automatically generate an allCases property that is an array of all your enum's cases, in the order you defined them.

How do you find the enum value of a list?

The idea is to use the Enum. GetValues() method to get an array of the enum constants' values. To get an IEnumerable<T> of all the values in the enum, call Cast<T>() on the array. To get a list, call ToList() after casting.

What is enum PHP?

In PHP, Enums are a special kind of object. The Enum itself is a class, and its possible cases are all single-instance objects of that class. That means Enum cases are valid objects and may be used anywhere an object may be used, including type checks.

For Swift 4.2 (Xcode 10) and later

There's a CaseIterable protocol:

enum EstimateItemStatus: String, CaseIterable {
    case pending = "Pending"
    case onHold = "OnHold"
    case done = "Done"

    init?(id : Int) {
        switch id {
        case 1: self = .pending
        case 2: self = .onHold
        case 3: self = .done
        default: return nil

for value in EstimateItemStatus.allCases {

For Swift < 4.2

No, you can't query an enum for what values it contains. See this article. You have to define an array that list all the values you have. Also check out Frank Valbuena's solution in "How to get all enum values as an array".

enum EstimateItemStatus: String {
    case Pending = "Pending"
    case OnHold = "OnHold"
    case Done = "Done"

    static let allValues = [Pending, OnHold, Done]

    init?(id : Int) {
        switch id {
        case 1:
            self = .Pending
        case 2:
            self = .OnHold
        case 3:
            self = .Done
            return nil

for value in EstimateItemStatus.allValues {

Swift 4.2 introduces a new protocol named CaseIterable

enum Fruit : CaseIterable {
    case apple , apricot , orange, lemon

that when you conforms to , you can get an array from the enum cases like this

for fruit in Fruit.allCases {
    print("I like eating \(fruit).")

Swift 5

Add CaseIterable protocol to enum:

enum EstimateItemStatus: String, CaseIterable {
    case pending = "Pending"
    case onHold = "OnHold"
    case done = "Done"


let values: [String] = EstimateItemStatus.allCases.map { $0.rawValue }
//["Pending", "OnHold", "Done"]

enum EstimateItemStatus: String, CaseIterable {
  case pending = "Pending"
  case onHold = "OnHold"
  case done = "Done"

  static var statusList: [String] {
    return EstimateItemStatus.allCases.map { $0.rawValue }

["Pending", "OnHold", "Done"]

There's another way that at least is safe at compile time:

enum MyEnum {
    case case1
    case case2
    case case3

extension MyEnum {
    static var allValues: [MyEnum] {
        var allValues: [MyEnum] = []
        switch (MyEnum.case1) {
        case .case1: allValues.append(.case1); fallthrough
        case .case2: allValues.append(.case2); fallthrough
        case .case3: allValues.append(.case3)
        return allValues

Notice that this works for any enum type (RawRepresentable or not) and also if you add a new case then you will get a compiler error which is good since will force you to have this up to date.

I found somewhere this code:

protocol EnumCollection : Hashable {}

extension EnumCollection {

    static func cases() -> AnySequence<Self> {
        typealias S = Self
        return AnySequence { () -> AnyIterator<S> in
            var raw = 0
            return AnyIterator {
                let current : Self = withUnsafePointer(to: &raw) { $0.withMemoryRebound(to: S.self, capacity: 1) { $0.pointee }
                guard current.hashValue == raw else { return nil }
                raw += 1
                return current


enum YourEnum: EnumCollection { //code }


return list of cases from YourEnum