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How to add minutes to current time in swift





People also ask

How do you subtract time in Swift?

To subtract hours from a date in swift we need to create a date first. Once that date is created we have to subtract hours from that, though swift does not provide a way to subtract date or time, but it provides us a way to add date or date component in negative value.

How do I get todays date in Swift?

Get current time in “YYYY-MM–DD HH:MM:SS +TIMEZONE” format in Swift. This is the easiest way to show the current date-time.

How do I compare two dates in Swift?

Here we will create two different date objects using DateFormatter. Then use compare function of Date class to check whether our two different date objects are same,one date is greater than other date or one date is smaller than other date in swift.

Two approaches:

  1. Use Calendar and date(byAdding:to:wrappingComponents:). E.g., in Swift 3 and later:

    let calendar = Calendar.current
    let date = calendar.date(byAdding: .minute, value: 5, to: startDate)
  2. Just use + operator (see +(_:_:)) to add a TimeInterval (i.e. a certain number of seconds). E.g. to add five minutes, you can:

    let date = startDate + 5 * 60

    (Note, the order is specific here: The date on the left side of the + and the seconds on the right side.)

    You can also use addingTimeInterval, if you’d prefer:

    let date = startDate.addingTimeInterval(5 * 60)

Bottom line, +/addingTimeInterval is easiest for simple scenarios, but if you ever want to add larger units (e.g., days, months, etc.), you would likely want to use the calendrical calculations because those adjust for daylight savings, whereas addingTimeInterval doesn’t.

For Swift 2 renditions, see the previous revision of this answer.

You can use Calendar's method

func date(byAdding component: Calendar.Component, value: Int, to date: Date, wrappingComponents: Bool = default) -> Date?

to add any Calendar.Component to any Date. You can create a Date extension to add x minutes to your UIDatePicker's date:

Xcode 8 and Xcode 9 • Swift 3.0 and Swift 4.0

extension Date {
    func adding(minutes: Int) -> Date {
        return Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .minute, value: minutes, to: self)!

Then you can just use the extension method to add minutes to the sender (UIDatePicker):

let section1 = sender.date.adding(minutes: 5)
let section2 = sender.date.adding(minutes: 10)

Playground testing:

Date().adding(minutes: 10)  //  "Jun 14, 2016, 5:31 PM"

Swift 4:

// add 5 minutes to date

let date = startDate.addingTimeInterval(TimeInterval(5.0 * 60.0))

// subtract 5 minutes from date

let date = startDate.addingTimeInterval(TimeInterval(-5.0 * 60.0))

Swift 5.1:

// subtract 5 minutes from date
transportationFromDate.addTimeInterval(TimeInterval(-5.0 * 60.0))

You can use in swift 4 or 5

    let date = Date()
    let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss"
    let current_date_time = dateFormatter.string(from: date)
    print("before add time-->",current_date_time)

    //adding 5 miniuts
    let addminutes = date.addingTimeInterval(5*60)
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss"
    let after_add_time = dateFormatter.string(from: addminutes)
    print("after add time-->",after_add_time)


before add time--> 2020-02-18 10:38:15
after add time--> 2020-02-18 10:43:15