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How to pinch out in iOS simulator when map view is only a portion of the screen?

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How do you open split view on iPad Simulator?

Show activity on this post. Drag the other app you like from the dock but don't let go of your finger until you completely pull it to the edge of the screen and you see your iPad showing a nice split view. If you let go too quick then the app would just show on top of the other.

You can move the two gray circles that represent your fingers around the screen by holding Option and Shift and moving the mouse.

Try double tapping with the option key pressed. On the iPhone this causes the MKMapView to zoom out.

Only pressing the alt key made the two gray dots representing your fingers appear for me...

You can use Option (Alt) button or combination of Option button and command button along with mouse movement to zoom in and zoom out a map or an image.