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Xcode 10, where are the UI elements?

People also ask

Where is the Interface Builder in Xcode?

First, in Xcode, go to the Resources folder from the tree view on the left and select MainMenu. xib . It will open in the main view. This is where you are going to build you UI.

What is UI elements in Swift?

UIKit provides you with a standard set of widgets, referred to as elements or controls, that you can use in your app's views to provide a way for your users to interact with your app.

Library content has moved from the bottom of the Inspector area to an overlay window, which can be moved and resized like Spotlight search. It dismisses once items are dragged, but holding the Option key before dragging will keep the library open for an additional drag.

The library can be opened via:

  • a new toolbar button (image attached);

  • the View > Libraries menu;

  • or the ⇧⌘L keyboard shortcut.

enter image description here

Don't scare about you don't find Library, Snippet, Media.

Find Library or Snippet

Show Library

view -> Libraries -> Show Library

enter image description here

enter image description here

Open Library

view -> Libraries -> Show Library + Keyboard(Alt Key)

Shortcut Show Library : Command + Shift + L

Shortcut Open Library : Command + Shift + Alt + L

Note : This is only works when you are in storyboard or xib file, otherwise it will open snippet. Same shortcut will works for open snippet and show snippet

Open/Show Snippet

Same shortcut will works, let me explain.

Just goto(select) .swift file or viewcontrolelr.h file or viewcontroller.m file and fire show library shortcut / open library shortcut it will show Snippet dialog.

Find Media

view -> Libraries -> Show Media

Shortcut Show Library : Command + Shift + M Shortcut Open Library : Command + Shift + Alt + M

With xCode 11 the icon has changed to + (a plus sign), while cmd+shift+L works as usual.

xCode 11 Screenshot

for media library content you should use keyboard shortcut ⇧⌘M

enter image description here

I have just found that it is as per screenshot and it will be opened with given shortcut/hotkey. Simply by dragging UI components to your Storyboard.

Command + Shift + L

enter image description here

enter image description here