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Xcode 6 crashes on submitting Archive




Close any projects or workspace windows you have open in Xcode but leave Organizer window open and re-submit worked for me.

Just got this problem. Seems to work if you close all other Xcode windows but keep the organizer window open.

Had the same problem - uploaded my .ipa through the Application Loader.

The original question is: "Will re-installing XCode help me to fix it?" The answer is: "No." Re-installation does not help the problem. The bug is pretty serious though, since submitting an app is central to app development. A fix should be in the App Store asap. Hence updating later may help.

Following steps worked for me:

  1. Archive the project.
  2. Open Organizer
  3. Press the top-left cross button of XCode which will close all projects without quiting XCode and Organiser will be opened
  4. Now resubmit the archive from organiser.

Had this problem today. I was only able to successfully upload the Archive when the organizer window was open and all Xcode projects were closed.