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Swift: Understanding // MARK

The // MARK: and // MARK: - syntax in Swift functions identically to the #pragma mark and #pragma mark - syntax in Objective-C.

When using this syntax (plus // TODO: and // FIXME:), you can get some extra information to show up in the quick jump bar.

Consider these few lines of source code:

// MARK: A mark comment lives here.

func isPrime(_ value: UInt) -> Bool { return true }

enter image description here

And for reference, the quick jump bar is at the top in Xcode:

enter image description here

It exists mostly to help with quick navigation within the file.

Note that the dash (// MARK: -) causes a nice separation line to show up. Consider this MARK comment:

// MARK: - A mark comment lives here.

enter image description here

The darker gray separator line just above the bolded option in that menu comes from the dash.

Additionally, we can achieve this separator line without a comment by simply not having any text after the dash:

// MARK: -

enter image description here

As mentioned, // TODO: and // FIXME: comments will also appear here.

// MARK: - Prime functions

func isPrime(_ value: UInt) -> Bool {
    // TODO: Actually implement the logic for this method
    return true

func nthPrime(_ value: UInt) -> Int {
    // FIXME: Returns incorrect values for some arguments
    return 2

enter image description here

  • FIXMEs get a little band-aid icon that help them standout.
  • MARK icon looks like a table of contents
  • TODO icons look more like a checklist

Clicking on any line in the quick jump bar takes you directly to that line in the source code.

MARK simply adds a visual MARK in the jump bar like this:

ex // MARK: Core Data Stack

enter image description here