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Failed to create provisioning profile



I'm trying to create a project in Xcode, Version 8.0 beta 6 (8S201h) and I'm getting this error.

enter image description here

The apple account is a free one because I'm just playing around with Xcode but it is forcing me to set it as a Team. Any help?

like image 832
Labanino Avatar asked Sep 20 '16 21:09


People also ask

Why do I need a provisioning profile?

A provisioning profile links your signing certificate and App ID so that you can sign apps to install and launch on iOS devices. You must have a development provisioning profile to sign apps for use with iOS Gateway version 3.4 and later.

1 Answers

Check the schemes menu at the top of the Xcode project window. Look at the destination you're trying to run in. If you run in the simulator, you don't need to sign your project.

enter image description here

If you run in a device, you need to attach the actual device. It must not say "generic device".

like image 198
matt Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 20:10
