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How to delete Swift Package Dependency in Xcode 11?

People also ask

Where are Swift package dependencies stored?

In order to cache the dependencies, they should be located in the project directory, but by default, SPM downloads the dependencies into the system folder: ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData.

Where is the package resolved file?

The Package. resolved file is inside your . xcodeproj directory at [appName].

Where is the package Swift file?

The easiest option to add a Swift package is by entering the package URL in the search field in the top right. The package URL is the location where the Swift Package Manager can find the Package. swift file of the package, that is, the manifest of the package. For RxSwift, that simply means adding the GitHub URL.

  1. Open Xcode
  2. Select your project
  3. Look at the top middle
  4. Select Swift Package Manager menu

You'll be able to manage your packages (add / remove)

enter image description here

Swift Package Manager(SPM) Dependency

Add dependency

1. Project Settings contains information about dependencies. 
2. File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency...
3. Target -> General -> Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content -> Add Items -> Add Other... -> Add Package Dependency...

Target Settings includes product from dependency

Edit dependency

To edit URL you can edit .pbxproj with repositoryURL

Delete dependency

Project -> Packages -> <Select dependency> -> -

[Local Swift Package Manager(SPM)]
[iOS Dependency manager]

In addition to Pierre's answer, this was driving me crazy, I had a sub project that I was editing, I forgot about that (it was in a subfolder). Even though I removed it in the "Swift Packages" pane it kept coming back. Removing that sub folder reference made sure the PM dependencies went away.

I removed the swift package, but its dependancies were still showing in the project. I saw the swift package was still in the Frameworks folder at the bottom of left pane, enter image description here

I removed it from there and the dependencies are gone.

Firstly I removed it from dependencies and targets in Package.swift, then i regenerated my project file with swift package generate-xcodeproj