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Provisioning profile doesn't include the application-identifier and keychain-access-groups entitlements

People also ask

How do I add entitlements to my provisioning profile?

To use this special entitlement you must create a new provisioning profile in the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section of your developer account and select the entitlement after the “Do you need additional entitlements?” page.

What is iOS Team Provisioning Profile?

The team provisioning profile allows all your apps to be signed and run by all team members on all your team's devices. For an individual, the team provisioning profile allows all your apps to run on all your devices.

This issue is related to Bug 1534145. SSL.com: P-384 curve / ecdsa-with-SHA256 certificates.

A representative from Apple estimated 558,000 certificates to become invalidated: Bug 1533655. DigiCert: Apple: Non-compliant Serial Numbers

GoDaddy, Google, Apple and Facebook (that would explain why Facebook was glitchy today) are affected.

They are working on resolving the issue right now.

That would explain our problems, folks!

Update: The issue has been resolved. Try to refresh your projects.

Workaround: change Bundle Identifier and/or Version.

I restored a profile from Time Machine when this was working and upon launch, Xcode immediately deletes and replaces it with a new one. The key difference seems to be the old profile has the get-task-allow entitlement while the new one has NO entitlements. This is definitely broken at Apple's end.

Edit: The entitlements should also include a keychain access group, but again, no entitlements at all. Should look like:

Good entitlements


As per latest update Apple successfully resolved Automatically Code Sign with Free Account issue.

I tried it and I can confirm its resolved.

Please try at your end.


Tested with Latest XCode 10.2 and it's working fine + they improved performance of overall Xcode & codesign feature.

I am also facing the same issue while I am creating a new Profile from Xcode and if I go to other projects and check over there also I am facing the same issue as below.

Enter image description here

Due to this issue, none of my projects can build with the old profile and certificate.

The strange issue, so I checked a newly created Profile and compared with the old one, and I found that App ID is unknown as well as there were no Entitlement details in the newly created profile.

Check the below screenshots of the old and new profile comparison:

Old Profile:

Enter image description here

New Profile:

Enter image description here

So it means it's not able to set App Id and Entitlements in the new profile. So the end result does not work all old profiles and giving the same error in all projects.

Issue Workaround:

Step1: Go to Provisioning Profile folder (path: ~⁨Library⁩ ▸ ⁨MobileDevice⁩ ▸ ⁨Provisioning Profiles⁩).

Or use a shortcut to jump directly into this folder like CMD + Shift + G and enter ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles it will redirect your finder directly on the Provisioning Profiles folder.

Step2: Sort the files inside that folder by Date Modified.

Step3: Check profile with Unknown App Id and delete all unknown profiles.

Step4: Come back on Xcode and check all old projects will work as expected.

Note: Make sure none of your project open while doing above changes. Otherwise, it will create a new profile with Unknown App Id.

I hope this will help and Apple will solve this bug soon!