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Working with pairs of related columns (dplyr, tidyr, data.table)

I have a data frame of multiple pairs of estimates and variances for several model parameters each within one of a number of sections. Here's a function that generates the illustrative sample:

samplerats <- function(){
    d = data.frame(section=c(rep("S1",10),rep("S2",10),rep("S3",5)))
    nr = nrow(d)
    for(i in 1:5){
        d[[paste0("est_v",i)]] = rnorm(nr)
        d[[paste0("var_v",i)]] = runif(nr)

and here's the start of what you get:

> d=samplerats()
> head(d)
  section     est_v1    var_v1     est_v2     var_v2      est_v3    var_v3
1      S1  0.3893008 0.1620882 -1.1915391 0.15439565  0.62022284 0.5487519
2      S1  0.8221099 0.3280630  0.7729817 0.14810283 -1.11337584 0.9947342
3      S1  0.8023230 0.1862810 -1.5285389 0.85648574 -1.74666907 0.4267944
4      S1 -0.2252865 0.5660111 -0.4348341 0.53013027  0.01823185 0.1379821
5      S1 -0.9475335 0.7904085 -1.0882961 0.40567780  1.69607397 0.3450983
6      S1  0.4415259 0.2969032  0.9200723 0.08754107  0.57010457 0.7579002
[with another two variables and 25 rows in total]

The task is to compute the ratio the variance of the estimates for each parameter with the mean of the variance for each parameter, grouped by section.

So for example, for variable v1, crudely just to get the numbers out:

> d %>% group_by(section) %>% summarise(var(est_v1)/mean(var_v1))
Source: local data frame [3 x 2]

  section var(est_v1)/mean(var_v1)
1      S1                0.5874458
2      S2                2.4449153
3      S3                2.8621725

That gives us the answer for v1, we just need to repeat for all the other variables. Note that the column names are est_ or var_ followed by a variable name which might be alpha or g2 or some other alphanum.

Of course I have a horrendous solution:

ratit <- function(d){
    isVAR <- function(s){stringr::str_sub(s,1,4)=="var_"}

    spreads = reshape2::melt(d) %>% mutate(isVAR=isVAR(variable), Variable = str_replace(variable,"^.*_",""))
    vout = spreads %>% group_by(Variable, section, isVAR) %>% summarise(Z=if(isVAR(variable[1])){mean(value)}else{var(value)})
    ratios = vout %>% group_by(section, Variable) %>% summarise(Vratio = Z[1]/Z[2]) %>% dcast(section ~ Variable)

which gives:

> ratit(d)
Using section as id variables
Using Vratio as value column: use value.var to override.
  section        v1       v2       v3        v4       v5
1      S1 0.5874458 3.504169 3.676488 1.1716684 1.742021
2      S2 2.4449153 1.177326 1.106337 1.0700636 3.263149
3      S3 2.8621725 2.216099 3.846062 0.7777452 2.122726

where you can see the first column is the same as the v1-only example earlier. But yuck.

If I can melt, cast, dplyr or otherwise tidyr it up into this format:

         est       var section  variable
1  0.3893008 0.1620882      S1        v1
2  0.8221099 0.3280630      S1        v1
3  0.8023230 0.1862810      S1        v1
4 -0.2252865 0.5660111      S1        v1
5 -0.9475335 0.7904085      S1        v1
6  0.4415259 0.2969032      S1        v1

then its trivial - dd %>% group_by(section, variable) %>% summarise(rat=var(est)/mean(var)) %>% spread(variable, rat)

But that step eludes me...

Neat solutions welcome, using anything including base R, dplyr, tidyr, data.table etc.

like image 675
Spacedman Avatar asked Jan 20 '15 18:01


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1 Answers

This should do the trick:

dd <- reshape(d, varying = 2:11, direction = 'long', sep="_", timevar="variable")

#      section variable        est       var id
# 1.v1      S1       v1  0.3893008 0.1620882  1
# 2.v1      S1       v1  0.8221099 0.3280630  2
# 3.v1      S1       v1  0.8023230 0.1862810  3
# 4.v1      S1       v1 -0.2252865 0.5660111  4
# 5.v1      S1       v1 -0.9475335 0.7904085  5
# 6.v1      S1       v1  0.4415259 0.2969032  6
like image 105
Josh O'Brien Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 08:10

Josh O'Brien