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Why does the println! function use an exclamation mark in Rust?



In Swift, ! means to unwrap an optional (possible value).

like image 909
Chéyo Avatar asked Apr 13 '15 17:04


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means to unwrap an optional (possible value). rust.

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What is Println in Rust?

In Rust, the println! is a macro defined in the std::fmt. It is used to handle printing dynamic information to the user. The println! is closely similar to the print! but appends a new line.

1 Answers

println! is not a function, it is a macro. Macros use ! to distinguish them from normal method calls. The documentation contains more information.

See also:

  • What is the difference between macros and functions in Rust?

Rust uses the Option type to denote optional data. It has an unwrap method.

Rust 1.13 added the question mark operator ? as an analog of the try! macro (originally proposed via RFC 243).

An excellent explanation of the question mark operator is in The Rust Programming Language.

fn foo() -> Result<i32, Error> {     Ok(4) }  fn bar() -> Result<i32, Error> {     let a = foo()?;     Ok(a + 4) } 

The question mark operator also extends to Option, so you may see it used to unwrap a value or return None from the function. This is different from just unwrapping as the program will not panic:

fn foo() -> Option<i32> {     None }  fn bar() -> Option<i32> {     let a = foo()?;     Some(a + 4) } 
like image 132
Shepmaster Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 12:10
