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In Rust, what is the difference between clone() and to_owned()?



In Rust, Clone is a trait that specifies the clone method (and clone_from). Some traits, like StrSlice and CloneableVector specify a to_owned fn. Why would an implementation need both? What is the difference?

I did an experiment with Rust strings, which have both methods, and it demonstrates that there is a difference, but I don't understand it:

fn main() {     test_clone();     test_to_owned(); }  // compiles and runs fine     fn test_clone() {     let s1: &'static str = "I am static";     let s2 = "I am boxed and owned".to_string();      let c1 = s1.clone();     let c2 = s2.clone();      println!("{:?}", c1);     println!("{:?}", c2);      println!("{:?}", c1 == s1);  // prints true     println!("{:?}", c2 == s2);  // prints true }  fn test_to_owned() {     let s1: &'static str = "I am static";     let s2 = "I am boxed and owned".to_string();      let c1 = s1.to_owned();     let c2 = s2.to_owned();      println!("{:?}", c1);     println!("{:?}", c2);      println!("{:?}", c1 == s1);   // compile-time error here (see below)     println!("{:?}", c2 == s2); } 

The compile time error for the to_owned example is:

error: mismatched types: expected `~str` but found `&'static str`  (str storage differs: expected `~` but found `&'static `) clone.rs:30     println!("{:?}", c1 == s1); 

Why would the first example work but not the second?

like image 817
quux00 Avatar asked Mar 08 '14 03:03


People also ask

What does To_owned do in Rust?

The ToOwned trait generalizes Clone to construct owned data from any borrow of a given type.

What is the difference between clone and copy in Rust?

Differs from Copy in that Copy is implicit and extremely inexpensive, while Clone is always explicit and may or may not be expensive. In order to enforce these characteristics, Rust does not allow you to reimplement Copy , but you may reimplement Clone and run arbitrary code.

Does String implement clone rust?

For this reason, String is Clone but not Copy . Clone is a supertrait of Copy , so everything which is Copy must also implement Clone . If a type is Copy then its Clone implementation only needs to return *self (see the example above).

How do you duplicate strings in Rust?

The only correct way to copy a String is to allocate a new block of heap memory to copy all the characters into, which is what String 's Clone implementation does. https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/second-edition/ch04-01-what-is-ownership.html covers these topics in much more detail.

1 Answers

.clone() returns its receiver. clone() on a &str returns a &str. If you want a String, you need a different method, which in this case is .to_owned().

For most types, clone() is sufficient because it's only defined on the underlying type and not on the reference type. But for str and [T], clone() is implemented on the reference type (&str and &[T]), and therefore it has the wrong type. It's also implemented on the owned types (String and Vec<T>), and in that case clone() will return another owned value.

Your first example works because c1 and s1 (and c2 and s2) have the same types. Your second example fails because they don't (c1 is String whereas s1 is &str). That's a perfect example of why the separate methods are necessary.

As of current Rust, both now compile, but in test_clone() c1 is a String and in test_to_owned() it's a &str. I'm pretty sure it compiles as Rust is now more lenient about automatically referencing and dereferencing values. In this particular example I believe the c1 == s1 line is compiled as though it said &*c1 == s1. If you wish to prove the types involved you can add a deliberate type error, such as let _: i32 = c1; and the error message will show the type.

like image 153
Lily Ballard Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Lily Ballard