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Vector of objects belonging to a trait

Consider the following code:

trait Animal {     fn make_sound(&self) -> String; }  struct Cat; impl Animal for Cat {     fn make_sound(&self) -> String {         "meow".to_string()     } }  struct Dog; impl Animal for Dog {     fn make_sound(&self) -> String {         "woof".to_string()     } }  fn main () {     let dog: Dog = Dog;     let cat: Cat = Cat;     let v: Vec<Animal> = Vec::new();     v.push(cat);     v.push(dog);     for animal in v.iter() {         println!("{}", animal.make_sound());     } } 

The compiler tells me that v is a vector of Animal when I try to push cat (type mismatch)

So, how can I make a vector of objects belonging to a trait and calls the corresponding trait method on each element?

like image 639
Jacob Wang Avatar asked Sep 12 '14 23:09

Jacob Wang

People also ask

What is a trait object?

A trait object is an opaque value of another type that implements a set of traits. The set of traits is made up of an object safe base trait plus any number of auto traits. Trait objects implement the base trait, its auto traits, and any supertraits of the base trait.

Can trait be used for objects?

But trait objects differ from traditional objects in that we can't add data to a trait object. Trait objects aren't as generally useful as objects in other languages: their specific purpose is to allow abstraction across common behavior.

What is a trait in Rust?

A trait in Rust is a group of methods that are defined for a particular type. Traits are an abstract definition of shared behavior amongst different types. So, in a way, traits are to Rust what interfaces are to Java or abstract classes are to C++. A trait method is able to access other methods within that trait.

Does Rust have polymorphism?

In Rust, polymorphic functions are fully type-checked when they are declared, not when they are used. This means you can never call a Rust function and get a type error within the function because you gave it the wrong type.

2 Answers

Vec<Animal> is not legal, but the compiler can't tell you that because the type mismatch somehow hides it. If we remove the calls to push, the compiler gives us the following error:

<anon>:22:9: 22:40 error: instantiating a type parameter with an incompatible type `Animal`, which does not fulfill `Sized` [E0144] <anon>:22     let mut v: Vec<Animal> = Vec::new();                   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

The reason why that's not legal is that a Vec<T> stores many T objects consecutively in memory. However, Animal is a trait, and traits have no size (a Cat and a Dog are not guaranteed to have the same size).

To solve this problem, we need to store something that has a size in the Vec. The most straightforward solution is to wrap the values in a Box, i.e. Vec<Box<Animal>>. Box<T> has a fixed size (a "fat pointer" if T is a trait, a simple pointer otherwise).

Here's a working main:

fn main() {     let dog: Dog = Dog;     let cat: Cat = Cat;     let mut v: Vec<Box<Animal>> = Vec::new();     v.push(Box::new(cat));     v.push(Box::new(dog));     for animal in v.iter() {         println!("{}", animal.make_sound());     } } 
like image 98
Francis Gagné Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09

Francis Gagné

You may use a reference trait object &Animal to borrow the elements and store these trait objects in a Vec. You can then enumerate it and use the trait's interface.

Altering the Vec's generic type by adding a & in front of the trait will work:

fn main() {     let dog: Dog = Dog;     let cat: Cat = Cat;     let mut v: Vec<&Animal> = Vec::new();     //             ~~~~~~~     v.push(&dog);     v.push(&cat);     for animal in v.iter() {         println!("{}", animal.make_sound());     }     // Ownership is still bound to the original variable.     println!("{}", cat.make_sound()); } 

This is great if you may want the original variable to keep ownership and reuse it later.

Keep in mind with the scenario above, you can't transfer ownership of dog or cat because the Vec has borrowed these concrete instances at the same scope.

Introducing a new scope can help handle that particular situation:

fn main() {     let dog: Dog = Dog;     let cat: Cat = Cat;     {         let mut v: Vec<&Animal> = Vec::new();         v.push(&dog);         v.push(&cat);         for animal in v.iter() {             println!("{}", animal.make_sound());         }     }     let pete_dog: Dog = dog;     println!("{}", pete_dog.make_sound()); } 
like image 26
nate Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09
