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Why does my Firemonkey app open a terminal window on OSX but not on Win32?

I created a simple testbed app in Delphi XE2, and compiled both a Win32 and OSX version of the application.
I zipped up the OSX version, along with a copy of the libcgunwind dylib runtime file and copied this files to a Mac i have access to.
When I unzipped the file, the mac recognized my OSX application and I double clicked it.

This, in turn, opened up a terminal window for some unknown reason along with my simple app's form.
The application itself ran and behaved just fine, but I'm curious why a terminal window would open up on the Mac?

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Alan Avatar asked Sep 09 '11 15:09


2 Answers

There is a free tool available for Delphi XE2 that will create the OSX deployment app bundle for you, from Windows, without the need for PAServer.


Check the readme for instructions.

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Nick C Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Nick C

IIRC this happens if you execute the binary directly instead via a bundle

Lazarus/FPC apps had the same problem. IIRC the directly executed binary also didn't get events under those circumstances, but those apps were Carbon based. That problem also went away when running via a bundle setup (which is pretty much a manifest, a few dirs and a symlink)

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Marco van de Voort Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Marco van de Voort