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Why do you have to call .items() when iterating over a dictionary in Python?

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What is the purpose of method items () when used with the dictionary?

The items() method returns a view object. The view object contains the key-value pairs of the dictionary, as tuples in a list. The view object will reflect any changes done to the dictionary, see example below.

What does dictionary items () do in Python?

In Python Dictionary, items() method is used to return the list with all dictionary keys with values. Parameters: This method takes no parameters. Returns: A view object that displays a list of a given dictionary's (key, value) tuple pair.

What is the purpose of the method items () when used with a dictionary A returns a list of tuples?

The items () method in the dictionary is used to return each item in a dictionary as tuples in a list. Thus, the dictionary key and value pairs will be returned in the form of a list of tuple pairs. The items () method does not take any parameters.

What is the purpose of the method items () when used with a dictionary A returns a list of tuples b returns a tuple of lists C returns a tuple of tuples D returns a list of lists?

The items() method returns a view of the dictionary in the form of a list of tuples, each tuple being a single key-value pair.

For every python container C, the expectation is that

for item in C:
    assert item in C

will pass just fine -- wouldn't you find it astonishing if one sense of in (the loop clause) had a completely different meaning from the other (the presence check)? I sure would! It naturally works that way for lists, sets, tuples, ...

So, when C is a dictionary, if in were to yield key/value tuples in a for loop, then, by the principle of least astonishment, in would also have to take such a tuple as its left-hand operand in the containment check.

How useful would that be? Pretty useless indeed, basically making if (key, value) in C a synonym for if C.get(key) == value -- which is a check I believe I may have performed, or wanted to perform, 100 times more rarely than what if k in C actually means, checking the presence of the key only and completely ignoring the value.

On the other hand, wanting to loop just on keys is quite common, e.g.:

for k in thedict:
    thedict[k] += 1

having the value as well would not help particularly:

for k, v in thedict.items():
    thedict[k] = v + 1

actually somewhat less clear and less concise. (Note that items was the original spelling of the "proper" methods to use to get key/value pairs: unfortunately that was back in the days when such accessors returned whole lists, so to support "just iterating" an alternative spelling had to be introduced, and iteritems it was -- in Python 3, where backwards compatibility constraints with previous Python versions were much weakened, it became items again).

My guess: Using the full tuple would be more intuitive for looping, but perhaps less so for testing for membership using in.

if key in counts:
    counts[key] += 1
    counts[key] = 1

That code wouldn't really work if you had to specify both key and value for in. I am having a hard time imagining use case where you'd check if both the key AND value are in the dictionary. It is far more natural to only test the keys.

# When would you ever write a condition like this?
if (key, value) in dict:

Now it's not necessary that the in operator and for ... in operate over the same items. Implementation-wise they are different operations (__contains__ vs. __iter__). But that little inconsistency would be somewhat confusing and, well, inconsistent.