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Which language elements can be annotated using attributes language feature of Delphi?

Delphi 2010 introduced custom attributes which can be added to type declarations and methods. For which language elements can a custom attribute be used?

The examples which I have found so far include class declarations, fields and methods. (And AFAIK generic classes do not support custom attributes).

Some examples are shown in this article. It looks like variables (external to any class declaration) also can have attributes.

Based on this article, attributes can be used for

  • class and record fields and methods
  • method parameters
  • properties
  • non-local enumeration declarations
  • non-local variable declarations

Are there other language elements where attributes can be placed?

Update: this article indicates that custom attributes can be placed before properties: http://francois-piette.blogspot.de/2013/01/using-custom-attribute-for-data.html

It contains this code example:

type   TConfig = class(TComponent)   public     [PersistAs('Config', 'Version', '1.0')]     Version : String;     [PersistAs('Config', 'Description', 'No description')]     Description : String;     FTest : Integer;     // No attribute => not persistent     Count : Integer;     [PersistAs('Config', 'Test', '0')]     property Test : Integer read FTest write FTest;   end; 

I guess that there is also a way to read attributes on method arguments like

procedure Request([FormParam] AUsername: string; [FormParam] APassword: string); 
like image 806
mjn Avatar asked May 25 '11 05:05


1 Answers

Interesting question! You can declare attributes on almost anything, the problem is retrieving them using RTTI. Here's a quick console demo of declaring custom attributes for:

  • Enums
  • Function type
  • Procedure type
  • Method type (of object)
  • Aliased type
  • Record type
  • Class type
  • Record type that's internal to a class
  • Record field
  • Record method
  • Class instance field
  • Class class field (class var)
  • Class method
  • Global variable
  • Global function
  • Local variable

Didn't find a way to declare a custom attribute for a property of a class. But a custom attribute can be attached to the getter or setter methods.

Code, the story continues after the code:

program Project25;  {$APPTYPE CONSOLE}  uses   Rtti;  type   TestAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute);    [TestAttribute] TEnum = (first, second, third);   [TestAttribute] TFunc = function: Integer;   [TestAttribute] TEvent = procedure of object;   [TestAttribute] AliasInteger = Integer;    [TestAttribute] ARecord = record     x:Integer;     [TestAttribute] RecordField: Integer;     [TestAttribute] procedure DummyProc;   end;    [TestAttribute] AClass = class   strict private     type [TestAttribute] InnerType = record y:Integer; end;   private     [TestAttribute]     function GetTest: Integer;   public     [TestAttribute] x: Integer;     [TestAttribute] class var z: Integer;     // Can't find a way to declare attribute for property!     property Test:Integer read GetTest;     [TestAttribute] class function ClassFuncTest:Integer;   end;  var [TestAttribute] GlobalVar: Integer;  [TestAttribute] procedure GlobalFunction; var [TestAttribute] LocalVar: Integer; begin end;  { ARecord }  procedure ARecord.DummyProc; begin end;  { AClass }  class function AClass.ClassFuncTest: Integer; begin end;  function AClass.GetTest: Integer; begin end;  begin end. 

The trouble is retrieving those custom attributes. Looking at the rtti.pas unit, custom attributes can be retrieved for:

  • Record type (TRttiRecordType)
  • Instance type (TRttiInstanceType)
  • Method type (TRttiMethodType)
  • Pointer type (TRttiPointerType) - what's that used for?
  • Procedure type (TRttiProcedureType)

There's no way of retrieving any sort of RTTI for "unit" level or local variables and procedures, hence no way of retrieving information about attributes.

like image 80
Cosmin Prund Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09

Cosmin Prund