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Continuous Integration System for Delphi

Are there any CI-Systems for Delphi like Hudson for Java? Does Hudson has any Delphi integrations?

like image 665
Ludwig Wensauer Avatar asked Apr 07 '10 08:04

Ludwig Wensauer

People also ask

Is Jenkins CI or CD or both?

Jenkins is a platform for creating a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) environment. The system offers many different tools, languages, and automation tasks to aid in pipeline creation when developing and deploying programs.

Is Circle CI better than Jenkins?

Unlike CircleCI, Jenkins is dependent on various plugins for continuous integration. These extensions need to be installed manually, and hence the issues have to be resolved on the way. While using CIrcleCI, it is possible to build all the running processes in a single file (named circle. yaml).

What is continuous integration system?

Continuous integration is a DevOps software development practice where developers regularly merge their code changes into a central repository, after which automated builds and tests are run.

2 Answers

We use Hudson :), which works just fine with Delphi.

Here's a complete setup for one of my projects:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <project>   <actions/>   <description></description>   <keepDependencies>false</keepDependencies>   <properties/>   <scm class="hudson.scm.CVSSCM">     <cvsroot>:sspi:cvsonly:foo@bar:/baz</cvsroot>     <module>SIP</module>     <canUseUpdate>false</canUseUpdate>     <flatten>true</flatten>     <isTag>false</isTag>     <excludedRegions></excludedRegions>   </scm>   <canRoam>true</canRoam>   <disabled>false</disabled>   <triggers class="vector"/>   <builders>     <hudson.tasks.BatchFile>       <command>&quot;C:\Program Files\Nant\bin\nant&quot; -buildfile:etc\sip.build build-d7 test</command>     </hudson.tasks.BatchFile>   </builders>   <publishers>     <hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger>       <childProjects>quux, foozle, wibble</childProjects>       <threshold>         <name>SUCCESS</name>         <ordinal>0</ordinal>         <color>BLUE</color>       </threshold>     </hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger>   </publishers>   <buildWrappers/> </project> 

sip.build's delphi-7 target builds the project's test suite (DUnit's TextTestRunner) and so the output of the job is simply the count of failed/error tests thanks to:

var   R: TTestResult;  begin   R := TextTestRunner.RunRegisteredTests;   ExitCode := R.ErrorCount + R.FailureCount; end; 
like image 191
Frank Shearar Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Frank Shearar

FinalBuilder Server

now replaced with : Continua CI

like image 39
Harriv Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 23:09
