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Delphi programs blocked by antivirus programs [closed]



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What is the reason why virus protection doesn't work?

Antivirus software is only capable of dealing with the threats it knows about. Basically it has signatures for certain viruses and malware which it can use to recognise and block them. Of course it finds it much more difficult to recognise and destroy new malware that it has never come across before.

Why did my antivirus turn off?

You have more than one antivirus program Your antivirus software could turn off if you try to install another antivirus program. Running more than one antivirus program at the same time can cause conflicts and errors that make your antivirus protection less effective or not effective at all.

How do I know if my antivirus is working?

The status of your antivirus software is typically displayed in Windows Security Center. Open Security Center by clicking the Start button , clicking Control Panel, clicking Security, and then clicking Security Center. Click Malware protection.

You need to instruct your users, i.e. Kaspersky's customers, that Kaspersky is interfering with the operation of your software, and that THEY should report it. Express your frustration that you, as a developer, don't have access to a real human being. This is the only way that the anti-malware companies will ever react - bad PR with their paying customers.

Kaspersky = pirate company? Maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe just yet another company with a bad product and nonexistent support. Their "support" consists in a FAQ database and an automatic email answering program. Phones are hooked to answering machines also. Their automated answer keep explaining me how to add my program in KIS "exception" database. I keep replying to those stupid emails that I cannot personally go to all my customers at home and put my program in the "exception" database and that it will be better if they will fix the bug.

When I finally got a non-automatic answer (the only one), the support guy fella is as rude as possible.

Possible solutions for Delphi programmers:
* Don't check if the user has write permission to a file (in order not to trigger Kaspersky bug)
* Check if the user has write permission. If the bug appears inform the user that Kaspersky creates problem and it should be temporary disable (while the program is running). Use a TRY EXCEPT block to do this.

Advice (based on my past experience):
Don't always blame your code if you ever received strange bug reports from your users when your program was trying to write to disk. Check also external factors (like existence of Kaspersky antivirus).

I just applied for a refund. I will go for a chargeback if they won't refund the money (I strongly feel they won't).

When I posted this on StackOverflow I didn't realized the magnitude of the problem and I didn't realized it will deviate so much from initial course. Still I think it is well within the purpose of StackOverflow. We have all learned that sometimes the problems in out programs may not be caused by our faulty code and neither we can control the source of these problems (21 persons voted this question up - which means a lot of other people encountered issues with KIS). We can just hope that poor designed programs that interacts with user's system at a very low level (such as KIS antivirus program) will be soon fixed so our sales won't suffer (much).

It is just frustrating when your program is labeled "buggy" and you can't do much about it!

Not an answer to solve your problem, but you should inform Kaspersky, probably they don't know there is a virus signature associated with a Delphi library.

And if your program isn't too complex, you might want to try Lazarus/FPC. It's not as good as Delphi, but I've been using it for several years now, and have got good results in Windows/MacOS/Linux.

i had similar problems with kaspersky 2011 when i was trying to add my prog to windows startup using d2010's new TFile.Copy() as well as raw api function:

 CopyFile(PChar('C:\chellenger.exe'), PChar('C:\Documents and Settings\Omair\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\chellenger.exe'), False);

my solution was to put my delphi app in vb.net app as a resource, the vb.net app extracted it and put it to startup without false positives . Mixing two languages for your problem might solve your problem too(1 possible solution but a very ugly and nonprofessional solution i admit)

When you create file, any antivirus checks it. There is probably some kind of collision between your application and KAV. Have you tried to combine fmCreate with share modes. You can see in help for TFileStream.Create for available modes.

If the problem is just with kapersky, then just have your program detect if it is running. If so, scale back your file creation / writes to whatever passes their detection. Make sure you have some little status message somewhere that tells the user why things are slow. Incidentally, virus writers already know this which is why those heuristics simply don't work.

After doing that, contact Kapersky and work with them directly to get this resolved.

This gets past your immediate issue and will give you and kapersky time to figure out a long term solution.

Alternatively, you could simply shut kapersky down.. Just make sure you grab all of their watch dogs in the process.. But that tends to be a little more combative.