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Which is better, return value or out parameter?




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What is the difference between return value and out parameter?

Generally, use an output parameter for anything that needs to be returned. When you want to return only one item with only an integer data type then it is better to use a return value. Generally, the return value is only to inform success or failure of the Stored Procedure.

Why is it important to have return values?

Generally, a return value is used where the function is an intermediate step in a calculation of some kind. You want to get to a final result, which involves some values that need to be calculated by a function.

Why do we use out parameter?

The out parameter in C# is used to pass arguments to methods by reference. It differs from the ref keyword in that it does not require parameter variables to be initialized before they are passed to a method. The out keyword must be explicitly declared in the method's definition​ as well as in the calling method.

What is the difference between the parameters and the return type?

A return value is a result of the function's execution. It can be returned to the block of code that called the function, and then used as needed. Parameters are the necessary input for a function to be executed and produce a result. Parameters are variables defined by name.

Return values are almost always the right choice when the method doesn't have anything else to return. (In fact, I can't think of any cases where I'd ever want a void method with an out parameter, if I had the choice. C# 7's Deconstruct methods for language-supported deconstruction acts as a very, very rare exception to this rule.)

Aside from anything else, it stops the caller from having to declare the variable separately:

int foo;
GetValue(out foo);


int foo = GetValue();

Out values also prevent method chaining like this:


(Indeed, that's one of the problems with property setters as well, and it's why the builder pattern uses methods which return the builder, e.g. myStringBuilder.Append(xxx).Append(yyy).)

Additionally, out parameters are slightly harder to use with reflection and usually make testing harder too. (More effort is usually put into making it easy to mock return values than out parameters). Basically there's nothing I can think of that they make easier...

Return values FTW.

EDIT: In terms of what's going on...

Basically when you pass in an argument for an "out" parameter, you have to pass in a variable. (Array elements are classified as variables too.) The method you call doesn't have a "new" variable on its stack for the parameter - it uses your variable for storage. Any changes in the variable are immediately visible. Here's an example showing the difference:

using System;

class Test
    static int value;

    static void ShowValue(string description)
        Console.WriteLine(description + value);

    static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Return value test...");
        value = 5;
        value = ReturnValue();
        ShowValue("Value after ReturnValue(): ");

        value = 5;
        Console.WriteLine("Out parameter test...");
        OutParameter(out value);
        ShowValue("Value after OutParameter(): ");

    static int ReturnValue()
        ShowValue("ReturnValue (pre): ");
        int tmp = 10;
        ShowValue("ReturnValue (post): ");
        return tmp;

    static void OutParameter(out int tmp)
        ShowValue("OutParameter (pre): ");
        tmp = 10;
        ShowValue("OutParameter (post): ");


Return value test...
ReturnValue (pre): 5
ReturnValue (post): 5
Value after ReturnValue(): 10
Out parameter test...
OutParameter (pre): 5
OutParameter (post): 10
Value after OutParameter(): 10

The difference is at the "post" step - i.e. after the local variable or parameter has been changed. In the ReturnValue test, this makes no difference to the static value variable. In the OutParameter test, the value variable is changed by the line tmp = 10;

What's better, depends on your particular situation. One of the reasons out exists is to facilitate returning multiple values from one method call:

public int ReturnMultiple(int input, out int output1, out int output2)
    output1 = input + 1;
    output2 = input + 2;

    return input;

So one is not by definition better than the other. But usually you'd want to use a simple return, unless you have the above situation for example.

EDIT: This is a sample demonstrating one of the reasons that the keyword exists. The above is in no way to be considered a best practise.

You should generally prefer a return value over an out param. Out params are a necessary evil if you find yourself writing code that needs to do 2 things. A good example of this is the Try pattern (such as Int32.TryParse).

Let's consider what the caller of your two methods would have to do. For the first example I can write this...

int foo = GetValue();

Notice that I can declare a variable and assign it via your method in one line. FOr the 2nd example it looks like this...

int foo;
GetValue(out foo);

I'm now forced to declare my variable up front and write my code over two lines.


A good place to look when asking these types of question is the .NET Framework Design Guidelines. If you have the book version then you can see the annotations by Anders Hejlsberg and others on this subject (page 184-185) but the online version is here...


If you find yourself needing to return two things from an API then wrapping them up in a struct/class would be better than an out param.

There's one reason to use an out param which has not already been mentioned: the calling method is obliged to receive it. If your method produces a value which the caller should not discard, making it an out forces the caller to specifically accept it:

 Method1();  // Return values can be discard quite easily, even accidentally

 int  resultCode;
 Method2(out resultCode);  // Out params are a little harder to ignore

Of course the caller can still ignore the value in an out param, but you've called their attention to it.

This is a rare need; more often, you should use an exception for a genuine problem or return an object with state information for an "FYI", but there could be circumstances where this is important.