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Entity Framework select distinct name

Using lambda expression..

 var result = EFContext.TestAddresses.Select(m => m.Name).Distinct();

Another variation using where,

 var result = EFContext.TestAddresses
             .Where(a => a.age > 10)//if you have any condition
             .Select(m => m.name).Distinct();

Another variation using sql like syntax

 var result = (from recordset
              in EFContext.TestAddresses
              .where(a => a.city = 'NY')//if you have any condition
              .select new 

Try this:

var results = (from ta in context.TestAddresses
               select ta.Name).Distinct();

This will give you an IEnumerable<string> - you can call .ToList() on it to get a List<string>.

The way that @alliswell showed is completely valid, and there's another way! :)

var result = EFContext.TestAddresses
    .GroupBy(ta => ta.Name)
    .Select(ta => ta.Key);

I hope it'll be useful to someone.

DBContext.TestAddresses.Select(m => m.NAME).Distinct();

if you have multiple column do like this:

DBContext.TestAddresses.Select(m => new {m.NAME, m.ID}).Distinct();

In this example no duplicate CategoryId and no CategoryName i hope this will help you

Entity-Framework Select Distinct Name:

Suppose if you are using Views in which you are using multiple tables and you want to apply distinct in that case first you have to store value in variable & then you can apply Distinct on that variable like this one....

public List<Item_Img_Sal_VIEW> GetItemDescription(int ItemNo) 
            var Result= db.Item_Img_Sal_VIEW.Where(p => p.ItemID == ItemNo).ToList();
            return Result.Distinct().ToList();

Or you can try this Simple Example

Public Function GetUniqueLocation() As List(Of Integer)
          Return db.LoginUsers.Select(Function(p) p.LocID).Distinct().ToList()
End Function