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How to get memory available or used in C#

People also ask

How do I check memory availability?

Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to launch Task Manager. Or, right-click the Taskbar and select Task Manager. Select the Performance tab and click Memory in the left panel. The Memory window lets you see your current RAM usage, check RAM speed, and view other memory hardware specifications.

Which command will used to view free memory?

Entering cat /proc/meminfo in your terminal opens the /proc/meminfo file. This is a virtual file that reports the amount of available and used memory. It contains real-time information about the system's memory usage as well as the buffers and shared memory used by the kernel.

You can use:

Process proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();

To get the current process and use:


To get the private memory usage. For more information look at this link.

You might want to check the GC.GetTotalMemory method.

It retrieves the number of bytes currently thought to be allocated by the garbage collector.

System.Environment has WorkingSet- a 64-bit signed integer containing the number of bytes of physical memory mapped to the process context.

If you want a lot of details there is System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter, but it will be a bit more effort to setup.

In addition to @JesperFyhrKnudsen's answer and @MathiasLykkegaardLorenzen's comment, you'd better dispose the returned Process after using it.

So, In order to dispose the Process, you could wrap it in a using scope or calling Dispose on the returned process (proc variable).

  1. using scope:

    var memory = 0.0;
    using (Process proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess())
        // The proc.PrivateMemorySize64 will returns the private memory usage in byte.
        // Would like to Convert it to Megabyte? divide it by 2^20
           memory = proc.PrivateMemorySize64 / (1024*1024);
  2. Or Dispose method:

    var memory = 0.0;
    Process proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
    memory = Math.Round(proc.PrivateMemorySize64 / (1024*1024), 2);

Now you could use the memory variable which is converted to Megabyte.

Look here for details.

private PerformanceCounter cpuCounter;
private PerformanceCounter ramCounter;
public Form1()

private void updateTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.textBox1.Text = "CPU Usage: " +
    Convert.ToInt32(cpuCounter.NextValue()).ToString() +

    this.textBox2.Text = Convert.ToInt32(ramCounter.NextValue()).ToString()+"Mb";

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void InitialiseCPUCounter()
    cpuCounter = new PerformanceCounter(
    "% Processor Time",

private void InitializeRAMCounter()
    ramCounter = new PerformanceCounter("Memory", "Available MBytes", true);


If you get value as 0 it need to call NextValue() twice. Then it gives the actual value of CPU usage. See more details here.

For the complete system you can add the Microsoft.VisualBasic Framework as a reference;

 Console.WriteLine("You have {0} bytes of RAM",
        new Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.ComputerInfo().TotalPhysicalMemory);