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Check if Key Exists in NameValueCollection

From MSDN:

This property returns null in the following cases:

1) if the specified key is not found;

So you can just:

NameValueCollection collection = ...
string value = collection[key];
if (value == null) // key doesn't exist

2) if the specified key is found and its associated value is null.

collection[key] calls base.Get() then base.FindEntry() which internally uses Hashtable with performance O(1).

Use this method:

private static bool ContainsKey(this NameValueCollection collection, string key)
    if (collection.Get(key) == null)
        return collection.AllKeys.Contains(key);

    return true;

Yes, you can use Linq to check the AllKeys property:

using System.Linq;

However a Dictionary<string, string[]> would be far more suited to this purpose, perhaps created via an extension method:

public static void Dictionary<string, string[]> ToDictionary(this NameValueCollection collection) 
    return collection.Cast<string>().ToDictionary(key => key, key => collection.GetValues(key));

var dictionary = collection.ToDictionary();
if (dictionary.ContainsKey(key))

I don't think any of these answers are quite right/optimal. NameValueCollection not only doesn't distinguish between null values and missing values, it's also case-insensitive with regards to it's keys. Thus, I think a full solution would be:

public static bool ContainsKey(this NameValueCollection @this, string key)
    return @this.Get(key) != null 
        // I'm using Keys instead of AllKeys because AllKeys, being a mutable array,
        // can get out-of-sync if mutated (it weirdly re-syncs when you modify the collection).
        // I'm also not 100% sure that OrdinalIgnoreCase is the right comparer to use here.
        // The MSDN docs only say that the "default" case-insensitive comparer is used
        // but it could be current culture or invariant culture
        || @this.Keys.Cast<string>().Contains(key, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);