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Is there a way to check if WPF is currently executing in design mode or not?

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How do I know if a WPF window is open?

In WPF there is a collection of the open Windows in the Application class, you could make a helper method to check if the window is open. Here is an example that will check if any Window of a certain Type or if a Window with a certain name is open, or both. Show activity on this post. Show activity on this post.

Is WPF still relevant 2021?

WPF is still one of the most used app frameworks in use on Windows (right behind WinForms).

Is WPF phased out?

It may indeed get phased out eventually “The WPF's goal in user interface and graphics rendering in the . NET Framework 3.0 release is to provide a windowing system for the desktop environment on Microsoft Windows.

Is WPF still viable?

It was in 2006 that Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) was released with . NET framework 3.0. Over the years it got improved and it is still now in the market in 2021.

I believe you are looking for GetIsInDesignMode, which takes a DependencyObject.


// 'this' is your UI element

Edit: When using Silverlight / WP7, you should use IsInDesignTool since GetIsInDesignMode can sometimes return false while in Visual Studio:


Edit: And finally, in the interest of completeness, the equivalent in WinRT / Metro / Windows Store applications is DesignModeEnabled:


You can do something like this:

DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(new DependencyObject());

public static bool InDesignMode()
    return !(Application.Current is App);

Works from anywhere. I use it to stop databound videos from playing in the designer.

There are other (maybe newer) ways of specifying design-time data in WPF, as mentioned in this related answer.

Essentially, you can specify design-time data using a design-time instance of your ViewModel:

d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=v:MySampleData, IsDesignTimeCreatable=True}"

or by specifying sample data in a XAML file:

d:DataContext="{d:DesignData Source=../DesignData/SamplePage.xaml}">

You have to set the SamplePage.xaml file properties to:

BuildAction:               DesignData
Copy to Output Directory:  Do not copy

I place these in my UserControl tag, like this:


    d:DesignWidth="640" d:DesignHeight="480"

At run-time, all of the "d:" design-time tags disappear, so you'll only get your run-time data context, however you choose to set it.

Edit You may also need these lines (I'm not certain, but they seem relevant):
