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What's missing/sub-optimal in this memcpy implementation?

I've become interested in writing a memcpy() as an educational exercise. I won't write a whole treatise of what I did and didn't think about, but here's some guy's implementation:

__forceinline   // Since Size is usually known,                 // most useless code will be optimized out                 // if the function is inlined.  void* myMemcpy(char* Dst, const char* Src, size_t Size) {         void* start = Dst;         for ( ; Size >= sizeof(__m256i); Size -= sizeof(__m256i) )         {                 __m256i ymm = _mm256_loadu_si256(((const __m256i* &)Src)++);                 _mm256_storeu_si256(((__m256i* &)Dst)++, ymm);         }  #define CPY_1B *((uint8_t * &)Dst)++ = *((const uint8_t * &)Src)++ #define CPY_2B *((uint16_t* &)Dst)++ = *((const uint16_t* &)Src)++ #define CPY_4B *((uint32_t* &)Dst)++ = *((const uint32_t* &)Src)++ #if defined _M_X64 || defined _M_IA64 || defined __amd64 #define CPY_8B *((uint64_t* &)Dst)++ = *((const uint64_t* &)Src)++ #else #define CPY_8B _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)Dst, _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)Src)), ++(const uint64_t* &)Src, ++(uint64_t* &)Dst #endif #define CPY16B _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)Dst, _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)Src)), ++(const __m128i* &)Src, ++(__m128i* &)Dst      switch (Size) {     case 0x00:                                                      break;     case 0x01:      CPY_1B;                                         break;     case 0x02:              CPY_2B;                                 break;     case 0x03:      CPY_1B; CPY_2B;                                 break;     case 0x04:                      CPY_4B;                         break;     case 0x05:      CPY_1B;         CPY_4B;                         break;     case 0x06:              CPY_2B; CPY_4B;                         break;     case 0x07:      CPY_1B; CPY_2B; CPY_4B;                         break;     case 0x08:                              CPY_8B;                 break;     case 0x09:      CPY_1B;                 CPY_8B;                 break;     case 0x0A:              CPY_2B;         CPY_8B;                 break;     case 0x0B:      CPY_1B; CPY_2B;         CPY_8B;                 break;     case 0x0C:                      CPY_4B; CPY_8B;                 break;     case 0x0D:      CPY_1B;         CPY_4B; CPY_8B;                 break;     case 0x0E:              CPY_2B; CPY_4B; CPY_8B;                 break;     case 0x0F:      CPY_1B; CPY_2B; CPY_4B; CPY_8B;                 break;     case 0x10:                                      CPY16B;         break;     case 0x11:      CPY_1B;                         CPY16B;         break;     case 0x12:              CPY_2B;                 CPY16B;         break;     case 0x13:      CPY_1B; CPY_2B;                 CPY16B;         break;     case 0x14:                      CPY_4B;         CPY16B;         break;     case 0x15:      CPY_1B;         CPY_4B;         CPY16B;         break;     case 0x16:              CPY_2B; CPY_4B;         CPY16B;         break;     case 0x17:      CPY_1B; CPY_2B; CPY_4B;         CPY16B;         break;     case 0x18:                              CPY_8B; CPY16B;         break;     case 0x19:      CPY_1B;                 CPY_8B; CPY16B;         break;     case 0x1A:              CPY_2B;         CPY_8B; CPY16B;         break;     case 0x1B:      CPY_1B; CPY_2B;         CPY_8B; CPY16B;         break;     case 0x1C:                      CPY_4B; CPY_8B; CPY16B;         break;     case 0x1D:      CPY_1B;         CPY_4B; CPY_8B; CPY16B;         break;     case 0x1E:              CPY_2B; CPY_4B; CPY_8B; CPY16B;         break;     case 0x1F:      CPY_1B; CPY_2B; CPY_4B; CPY_8B; CPY16B;         break;     } #undef CPY_1B #undef CPY_2B #undef CPY_4B #undef CPY_8B #undef CPY16B         return start; } 

The comment translates as "Size is usually known as the compiler can optimize the code inline out most useless".

I would like to improve, if possible, on this implementation - but maybe there isn't much to improve. I see it uses SSE/AVX for the larger chunks of memory, then instead of a loop over the last < 32 bytes does the equivalent of manual unrolling, with some tweaking. So, here are my questions:

  • Why unroll the loop for the last several bytes, but not partially unroll the first (and now single) loop?
  • What about alignment issues? Aren't they important? Should I handle the first several bytes up to some alignment quantum differently, then perform the 256-bit ops on aligned sequences of bytes? And if so, how do I determine the appropriate alignment quantum?
  • What's the most important missing feature in this implementation (if any)?

Features/Principles mentioned in the answers so far

  • You should __restrict__ your parameters. (@chux)
  • The memory bandwidth is a limiting factor; measure your implementation against it.(@Zboson)
  • For small arrays, you can expect to approach the memory bandwidth; for larger arrays - not as much. (@Zboson)
  • Multiple threads (may be | are) necessary to saturate the memory bandwidth. (@Zboson)
  • It is probably wise to optimize differently for large and small copy sizes. (@Zboson)
  • (Alignment is important? Not explicitly addressed!)
  • The compiler should be made more explicitly aware of "obvious facts" it can use for optimization (such as the fact that Size < 32 after the first loop). (@chux)
  • There are arguments for unrolling your SSE/AVX calls (@BenJackson, here), and arguments against doing so (@PaulR)
  • non-temporal transfers (with which you tell the CPU you don't need it to cache the target location) should be useful for copying larger buffers. (@Zboson)
like image 438
einpoklum Avatar asked Oct 07 '14 22:10


People also ask

How is memcpy optimized?

With a cold cache, optimized memcpy with write-back cache works best because the cache doesn't have to write to memory and so avoids any delays on the bus. For a garbage-filled cache, write-through caches work slightly better, because the cache doesn't need to spend extra cycles evicting irrelevant data to memory.

How is memcpy implemented in C?

Implementation of memcpy is not a big deal, you need to typecast the given source and destination address to char* (1 byte). After the typecasting copy the data from the source to destination one by one until n (given length). Disclaimer: Below function only to understand the working of memcpy.

What can I use instead of memcpy?

memmove() is similar to memcpy() as it also copies data from a source to destination.

Does memcpy use AVX?

At a bare minimum, AVX grossly accelerates memcpy and memset operations. (Setting 256-bits per assembly instruction instead of 64-bits per operation is a big improvement). And virtually every program can benefit from faster memcpy and faster memsets.

2 Answers

I have been studying measuring memory bandwidth for Intel processors with various operations and one of them is memcpy. I have done this on Core2, Ivy Bridge, and Haswell. I did most of my tests using C/C++ with intrinsics (see the code below - but I'm currently rewriting my tests in assembly).

To write your own efficient memcpy function it's important to know what the absolute best bandwidth possible is. This bandwidth is a function of the size of the arrays which will be copied and therefore an efficient memcpy function needs to optimize differently for small and big (and maybe in between). To keep things simple I have optimized for small arrays of 8192 bytes and large arrays of 1 GB.

For small arrays the maximum read and write bandwidth for each core is:

Core2-Ivy Bridge             32 bytes/cycle Haswell                      64 bytes/cycle 

This is the benchmark you should aim for small arrays. For my tests I assume the arrays are aligned to 64-bytes and that the array size is a multiple of 8*sizeof(float)*unroll_factor. Here are my current memcpy results for a size of 8192 bytes (Ubuntu 14.04, GCC 4.9, EGLIBC 2.19):

                             GB/s     efficiency     Core2 ([email protected] GHz)           builtin               35.2    41.3%         eglibc                39.2    46.0%         asmlib:               76.0    89.3%         copy_unroll1:         39.1    46.0%         copy_unroll8:         73.6    86.5%     Ivy Bridge ([email protected] GHz)                                 builtin              102.2    88.7%         eglibc:              107.0    92.9%         asmlib:              107.6    93.4%         copy_unroll1:        106.9    92.8%         copy_unroll8:        111.3    96.6%     Haswell ([email protected] GHz)         builtin:              68.4    82.2%              eglibc:               39.7    47.7%         asmlib:               73.2    87.6%         copy_unroll1:         39.6    47.6%         copy_unroll8:         81.9    98.4% 

The asmlib is Agner Fog's asmlib. The copy_unroll1 and copy_unroll8 functions are defined below.

From this table we can see that the GCC builtin memcpy does not work well on Core2 and that memcpy in EGLIBC does not work well on Core2 or Haswell. I did check out a head version of GLIBC recently and the performance was much better on Haswell. In all cases unrolling gets the best result.

void copy_unroll1(const float *x, float *y, const int n) {     for(int i=0; i<n/JUMP; i++) {         VECNF().LOAD(&x[JUMP*(i+0)]).STORE(&y[JUMP*(i+0)]);     } }  void copy_unroll8(const float *x, float *y, const int n) { for(int i=0; i<n/JUMP; i+=8) {     VECNF().LOAD(&x[JUMP*(i+0)]).STORE(&y[JUMP*(i+0)]);     VECNF().LOAD(&x[JUMP*(i+1)]).STORE(&y[JUMP*(i+1)]);     VECNF().LOAD(&x[JUMP*(i+2)]).STORE(&y[JUMP*(i+2)]);     VECNF().LOAD(&x[JUMP*(i+3)]).STORE(&y[JUMP*(i+3)]);     VECNF().LOAD(&x[JUMP*(i+4)]).STORE(&y[JUMP*(i+4)]);     VECNF().LOAD(&x[JUMP*(i+5)]).STORE(&y[JUMP*(i+5)]);     VECNF().LOAD(&x[JUMP*(i+6)]).STORE(&y[JUMP*(i+6)]);     VECNF().LOAD(&x[JUMP*(i+7)]).STORE(&y[JUMP*(i+7)]); } 


Where VECNF().LOADis _mm_load_ps() for SSE or _mm256_load_ps() for AVX, VECNF().STORE is _mm_store_ps() for SSE or _mm256_store_ps() for AVX, and JUMP is 4 for SSE or 8 for AVX.

For the large size the best result is obtained by using non-temporal store instructions and by using multiple threads. Contrary to what many people may believe a single thread does NOT usually saturate the memory bandwidth.

void copy_stream(const float *x, float *y, const int n) {     #pragma omp parallel for             for(int i=0; i<n/JUMP; i++) {         VECNF v = VECNF().load_a(&x[JUMP*i]);         stream(&y[JUMP*i], v);     } } 

Where stream is _mm_stream_ps() for SSE or _mm256_stream_ps() for AVX

Here are the memcpy results on my [email protected] GHz with four threads for 1 GB with a maximum main memory bandwidth of 51.2 GB/s.

                         GB/s     efficiency     eglibc:              23.6     46%     asmlib:              36.7     72%     copy_stream:         36.7     72% 

Once again EGLIBC performs poorly. This is because it does not use non-temporal stores.

I modfied the eglibc and asmlib memcpy functions to run in parallel like this

void COPY(const float * __restrict x, float * __restrict y, const int n) {     #pragma omp parallel     {         size_t my_start, my_size;         int id = omp_get_thread_num();         int num = omp_get_num_threads();         my_start = (id*n)/num;         my_size = ((id+1)*n)/num - my_start;         memcpy(y+my_start, x+my_start, sizeof(float)*my_size);     } } 

A general memcpy function needs to account for arrays which are not aligned to 64 bytes (or even to 32 or to 16 bytes) and where the size is not a multiple of 32 bytes or the unroll factor. Additionally, a decision has to be made as to when to use non-temporal stores. The general rule of thumb is to only use non-temporal stores for sizes larger than half the largest cache level (usually L3). But theses are "second order" details which I think should be dealt with after optimizing for ideal cases of large and small. There's not much point in worrying about correcting for misalignment or non-ideal size multiples if the ideal case performs poorly as well.


Based on comments by Stephen Canon I have learned that on Ivy Bridge and Haswell it's more efficient to use rep movsb than movntdqa (a non-temporal store instruction). Intel calls this enhanced rep movsb (ERMSB). This is described in the Intel Optimization manuals in the section 3.7.6 Enhanced REP MOVSB and STOSB operation (ERMSB).

Additionally, in Agner Fog's Optimizing Subroutines in Assembly manual in section 17.9 Moving blocks of data (All processors) he writes:

"There are several ways of moving large blocks of data. The most common methods are:

  1. REP MOVS instruction.
  2. If data are aligned: Read and write in a loop with the largest available register size.
  3. If size is constant: inline move instructions.
  4. If data are misaligned: First move as many bytes as required to make the destination aligned. Then read unaligned and write aligned in a loop with the largest available register size.
  5. If data are misaligned: Read aligned, shift to compensate for misalignment and write aligned.
  6. If the data size is too big for caching, use non-temporal writes to bypass the cache. Shift to compensate for misalignment, if necessary."

A general memcpy should consider each of these points. Additionally, with Ivy Bridge and Haswell it seems that point 1 is better than point 6 for large arrays. Different techniques are necessary for Intel and AMD and for each iteration of technology. I think it's clear that writing your own general efficient memcpyfunction can be quite complicated. But in the special cases I have looked at I have already managed to do better than the GCC builtin memcpy or the one in EGLIBC so the assumption that you can't do better than the standard libraries is incorrect.

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Z boson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Z boson

The question can't be answered precisely without some additional details such as:

  • What is the target platform (CPU architecture, most, but memory configuration plays a role too)?
  • What is the distribution and predictability1 of the copy lengths (and to a lesser extent, the distribution and predictability of alignments)?
  • Will the copy size ever be statically known at compile-time?

Still, I can point out a couple things that are likely to be sub-optimal for at least some combination of the above parameters.

32-case Switch Statement

The 32-case switch statement is a cute way of handling the trailing 0 to 31 bytes, and likely benchmarks very well - but may perform badly in the real world due to at least two factors.

Code Size

This switch statement alone takes several hundred bytes of code for the body, in addition to a 32-entry lookup table needed to jump to the correct location for each length. The cost of this isn't going to show up in a focused benchmark of memcpy on a full-sized CPU because everything still fit in the fastest cache level: but in the real world you execute other code too and there is contention for the uop cache and L1 data and instruction caches.

That many instructions may take fully 20% of the effective size of your uop cache3, and uop cache misses (and the corresponding cache-to-legacy encoder transition cycles) could easily wipe the small benefit given by this elaborate switch.

On top of that, the switch requires a 32-entry, 256 byte lookup table for the jump targets4. If you ever get a miss to DRAM on that lookup, you are talking a penalty of 150+ cycles: how many non-misses do you need to then to make the switch worth it, given it's probably saving a few or two at the most? Again, that won't show up in a microbenchmark.

For what its worth, this memcpy isn't unusual: that kind of "exhaustive enumeration of cases" is common even in optimized libraries. I can conclude that either their development was driven mostly by microbenchmarks, or that it is still worth it for a large slice of general purpose code, despite the downsides. That said, there are certainly scenarios (instruction and/or data cache pressure) where this is suboptimal.

Branch Prediction

The switch statement relies on a single indirect branch to choose among the alternatives. This going to be efficient to the extent that the branch predictor can predict this indirect branch, which basically means that the sequence of observed lengths needs to be predictable.

Because it is an indirect branch, there are more limits on the predictability of the branch than a conditional branch since there are a limited number of BTB entries. Recent CPUs have made strides here, but it is safe to say that if the series of lengths fed to memcpy don't follow a simple repeating pattern of a short period (as short as 1 or 2 on older CPUs), there will be a branch-mispredict on each call.

This issue is particularly insidious because it is likely to hurt you the most in real-world in exactly the situations where a microbenchmark shows the switch to be the best: short lengths. For very long lengths, the behavior on the trailing 31 bytes isn't very important since it is dominated by the bulk copy. For short lengths, the switch is all-important (indeed, for copies of 31 bytes or less it is all that executes)!

For these short lengths, a predictable series of lengths works very well for the switch since the indirect jump is basically free. In particular, a typical memcpy benchmark "sweeps" over a series of lengths, using the same length repeatedly for each sub-test to report the results for easy graphing of "time vs length" graphs. The switch does great on these tests, often reporting results like 2 or 3 cycles for small lengths of a few bytes.

In the real world, your lengths might be small but unpredicable. In that case, the indirect branch will frequently mispredict5, with a penalty of ~20 cycles on modern CPUs. Compared to best case of a couple cycles it is an order of magnitude worse. So the glass jaw here can be very serious (i.e., the behavior of the switch in this typical case can be an order of magnitude worse than the best, whereas at long lengths, you are usually looking at a difference of 50% at most between different strategies).


So how can you do better than the above, at least under the conditions where the switch falls apart?

Use Duff's Device

One solution to the code size issue is to combine the switch cases together, duff's device-style.

For example, the assembled code for the length 1, 3 and 7 cases looks like:

Length 1

    movzx   edx, BYTE PTR [rsi]     mov     BYTE PTR [rcx], dl     ret 

Length 3

    movzx   edx, BYTE PTR [rsi]     mov     BYTE PTR [rcx], dl     movzx   edx, WORD PTR [rsi+1]     mov     WORD PTR [rcx+1], dx 

Length 7

    movzx   edx, BYTE PTR [rsi]     mov     BYTE PTR [rcx], dl     movzx   edx, WORD PTR [rsi+1]     mov     WORD PTR [rcx+1], dx     mov     edx, DWORD PTR [rsi+3]     mov     DWORD PTR [rcx+3], edx     ret 

This can combined into a single case, with various jump-ins:

    len7:     mov     edx, DWORD PTR [rsi-6]     mov     DWORD PTR [rcx-6], edx     len3:     movzx   edx, WORD PTR [rsi-2]     mov     WORD PTR [rcx-2], dx     len1:     movzx   edx, BYTE PTR [rsi]     mov     BYTE PTR [rcx], dl     ret 

The labels don't cost anything, and they combine the cases together and removes two out of 3 ret instructions. Note that the basis for rsi and rcx have changed here: they point to the last byte to copy from/to, rather than the first. That change is free or very cheap depending on the code before the jump.

You can extend that for longer lengths (e.g., you can attach lengths 15 and 31 to the chain above), and use other chains for the missing lengths. The full exercise is left to the reader. You can probably get a 50% size reduction alone from this approach, and much better if you combine it with something else to collapse the sizes from 16 - 31.

This approach only helps with the code size (and possibly the jump table size, if you shrink the size as described in 4 and you get under 256 bytes, allowing a byte-sized lookup table. It does nothing for predictability.

Overlapping Stores

One trick that helps for both code size and predictability is to use overlapping stores. That is, memcpy of 8 to 15 bytes can be accomplished in a branch-free way with two 8-byte stores, with the second store partly overlapping the first. For example, to copy 11 bytes, you would do an 8-byte copy at relative position 0 and 11 - 8 == 3. Some of the bytes in the middle would be "copied twice", but in practice this is fine since an 8-byte copy is the same speed as a 1, 2 or 4-byte one.

The C code looks like:

  if (Size >= 8) {     *((uint64_t*)Dst) = *((const uint64_t*)Src);     size_t offset = Size & 0x7;     *(uint64_t *)(Dst + offset) = *(const uint64_t *)(Src + offset);   } 

... and the corresponding assembly is not problematic:

    cmp     rdx, 7     jbe     .L8     mov     rcx, QWORD PTR [rsi]     and     edx, 7     mov     QWORD PTR [rdi], rcx     mov     rcx, QWORD PTR [rsi+rdx]     mov     QWORD PTR [rdi+rdx], rcx 

In particular, note that you get exactly two loads, two stores and one and (in addition to the cmp and jmp whose existence depends on how you organize the surrounding code). That's already tied or better than most of the compiler-generated approaches for 8-15 bytes, which might use up to 4 load/store pairs.

Older processors suffered some penalty for such "overlapping stores", but newer architectures (the last decade or so, at least) seem to handle them without penalty6. This has two main advantages:

  1. The behavior is branch free for a range of sizes. Effectively, this quantizes the branching so that many values take the same path. All sizes from 8 to 15 (or 8 to 16 if you want) take the same path and suffer no misprediction pressure.

  2. At least 8 or 9 different cases from the switch are subsumed into a single case with a fraction of the total code size.

This approach can be combined with the switch approach, but using only a few cases, or it can be extended to larger sizes with conditional moves that could do, for example, all moves from 8 to 31 bytes without branches.

What works out best again depends on the branch distribution, but overall this "overlapping" technique works very well.


The existing code doesn't address alignment.

In fact, it isn't, in general, legal or C or C++, since the char * pointers are simply casted to larger types and dereferenced, which is not legal - although in practice it generates codes that works on today's x86 compilers (but in fact would fail for platform with stricter alignment requirements).

Beyond that, it is often better to handle the alignment specifically. There are three main cases:

  1. The source and destination are already alignment. Even the original algorithm will work fine here.
  2. The source and destination are relatively aligned, but absolutely misaligned. That is, there is a value A that can be added to both the source and destination such that both are aligned.
  3. The source and destination are fully misaligned (i.e., they are not actually aligned and case (2) does not apply).

The existing algorithm will work ok in case (1). It is potentially missing a large optimization the case of (2) since small intro loop could turn an unaligned copy into an aligned one.

It is also likely performing poorly in case (3), since in general in the totally misaligned case you can chose to either align the destination or the source and then proceed "semi-aligned".

The alignment penalties have been getting smaller over time and on the most recent chips are modest for general purpose code but can still be serious for code with many loads and stores. For large copies, it probably doesn't matter too much since you'll end up DRAM bandwidth limited, but for smaller copies misalignment may reduce throughput by 50% or more.

If you use NT stores, alignment can also be important, because many of the NT store instructions perform poorly with misaligned arguments.

No unrolling

The code is not unrolled and compilers unrolled by different amounts by default. Clearly this is suboptimal since among two compilers with different unroll strategies, at most one will be best.

The best approach (at least for known platform targets) is determine which unroll factor is best, and then apply that in the code.

Furthermore, the unrolling can often be combined in a smart way with the "intro" our "outro" code, doing a better job than the compiler could.

Known sizes

The primary reason that it is tough to beat the "builtin" memcpy routine with modern compilers is that compilers don't just call a library memcpy whenever memcpy appears in the source. They know the contract of memcpy and are free to implement it with a single inlined instruction, or even less7, in the right scenario.

This is especially obvious with known lengths in memcpy. In this case, if the length is small, compilers will just insert a few instructions to perform the copy efficiently and in-place. This not only avoids the overhead of the function call, but all the checks about size and so on - and also generates at compile time efficient code for the copy, much like the big switch in the implementation above - but without the costs of the switch.

Similarly, the compiler knows a lot of about the alignment of structures in the calling code, and can create code that deals efficiently with alignment.

If you just implement a memcpy2 as a library function, that is tough to replicate. You can get part of the way there my splitting the method into a small and big part: the small part appears in the header file, and does some size checks and potentially just calls the existing memcpy if the size is small or delegates to the library routine if it is large. Through the magic of inlining, you might get to the same place as the builtin memcpy.

Finally, you can also try tricks with __builtin_constant_p or equivalents to handle the small, known case efficiently.

1 Note that I'm drawing a distinction here between the "distribution" of sizes - e.g., you might say _uniformly distributed between 8 and 24 bytes - and the "predictability" of the actual sequence of sizes (e.g., do the sizes have a predicable pattern)? The question of predictability somewhat subtle because it depends on on the implementation, since as described above certain implementations are inherently more predictable.

2 In particular, ~750 bytes of instructions in clang and ~600 bytes in gcc for the body alone, on top of the 256-byte jump lookup table for the switch body which had 180 - 250 instructions (gcc and clang respectively). Godbolt link.

3 Basically 200 fused uops out of an effective uop cache size of 1000 instructions. While recent x86 have had uop cache sizes around ~1500 uops, you can't use it all outside of extremely dedicated padding of your codebase because of the restrictive code-to-cache assignment rules.

4 The switch cases have different compiled lengths, so the jump can't be directly calculated. For what it's worth, it could have been done differently: they could have used a 16-bit value in the lookup table at the cost of not using memory-source for the jmp, cutting its size by 75%.

5 Unlike conditional branch prediction, which has a typical worst-case prediction rate of ~50% (for totally random branches), a hard-to-predict indirect branch can easily approach 100% since you aren't flipping a coin, you are choosing for an almost infinite set of branch targets. This happens in the real-world: if memcpy is being used to copy small strings with lengths uniformly distributed between 0 and 30, the switch code will mispredict ~97% of the time.

6 Of course, there may be penalties for misaligned stores, but these are also generally small and have been getting smaller.

7 For example, a memcpy to the stack, followed by some manipulation and a copy somewhere else may be totally eliminated, directly moving the original data to its final location. Even things like malloc followed by memcpy can be totally eliminated.

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BeeOnRope Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09
