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Visual Studio Keyboard shortcut to Error List when builds break

Is there a keyboard shortcut to select/highlight the first error in the Error list on a failed build?

I would like to be able to quickly resolve missing namespaces as follows:

  • Ctrl+Shift+B
  • [Magical keycombo to go to first error in error list][enter]
  • Ctrl+.[enter]
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P.Brian.Mackey Avatar asked Mar 24 '11 18:03


People also ask

How do I see build errors in Visual Studio?

To display the Error List, choose View > Error List, or press Ctrl+\+E.

What is Ctrl D Visual Studio?

To solve this issue, we introduced Duplicate Code (Ctrl + D) in Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6 which streamlines the process of duplicating your code while leaving your clipboard untouched. If nothing is selected, Ctrl + D will duplicate the line the cursor is in and insert it right below the line in focus.

What is F12 in Visual Studio?

F12: Open File - Visual Studio Marketplace.

2 Answers

If you use Visual C# Development Settings F8 takes you to the line of the next error on the list, Shift + F8 moves you to the previous one.

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Diego Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 17:11


View.ErrorList (It's the Ctrl+W, Ctrl+E chord on my machine) automatically highlights the first error in the list on my machine... then hitting enter takes me to the code

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Michael Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 18:11
