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Folder not uploading with VS Publish / Web Deploy

I am using the Publish / Web Deploy option within VS 2010 to publish my ASP.NET MVC3 website.

However it does not by default publish my "files" folder that I have highlighted below.

enter image description here

Any ideas how I can get this file included during publishing?

Thanks Paul

like image 730
Paul Brown Avatar asked Apr 19 '11 09:04

Paul Brown

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1 Answers

A probably less common case is when someone (maybe yourself) added a <ExcludeFoldersFromDeployment>Content\files</ExcludeFoldersFromDeployment> line in the csproj file, and then forgot about it, and later you do want to publish the folder.

Because of this line, none of the files in Content/files (and subfolders) will be deployed, even if the BuildAction is Content.

This is hard to spot because, AFAIK, it is not visible anywhere in visual studio, you have to open the csproj file with a text editor.

like image 52
youen Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 18:10
