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user.agent value for chrome

Quick question. What's the user.agent value for chrome browser with gwt 2.4? I'm trying to limit permutations for my chrome and it doesn't compile (value used - 'chrome'). However this compiles properly

<set-property name="user.agent" value="safari" />   
like image 529
Charith De Silva Avatar asked Aug 12 '12 02:08

Charith De Silva

People also ask

What is the user agent string for Chrome?

# Chrome for Android Phone pattern: 'Android' + 'Chrome/[. 0-9]* Mobile'

How do I use user agent in Chrome?

Just right click on any page and select your user-agent. This Chrome extension adds a toolbar button and a menu to switch between user-agents. Browse with our predefined user-agents or add your own user-agents. Changing User-Agent allows you to mimic, spoof or fake other browsers, devices or search engine spiders.

1 Answers

The permutations for both safari and chrome are same and named as "safari". The safari setting will work for chrome also. You can check "com.google.gwt.user.rebind.UserAgentPropertyGenerator".

However if you wish to limit it for chrome particulary, you can see here

like image 68
dhamibirendra Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09
