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How to create helper class that can accessed with controller on AngularJS

how can I create a helper/utility class that can be accessible from the multiple controllers?

For example, I have two controllers: UpdateItemCtrl and CreateItemCtrl. These have common functions inside which increases redundancy and lowers managability.

I'd like to create a ItemSaveHelper class which I would put the common methods inside and call them from the active controller.

like image 776
Umur Kontacı Avatar asked Jul 06 '12 08:07

Umur Kontacı

1 Answers

You want to create a service.

A service is just a singleton that can be injected into different things to provide modular/shared functionality. Here's a simple example: http://jsfiddle.net/andytjoslin/pHV4k/

function Ctrl1($scope, itemManager) {
    $scope.addItem = function(text) {

function Ctrl2($scope, itemManager) {
    $scope.items = itemManager.items;

app.factory('itemManager', function() {
    return {
        items: []
like image 61
Andrew Joslin Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 02:10

Andrew Joslin