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What difference is there in JavaScript between a constructor function, and function returning object which is invoked as a constructor?

I know this is not the recommended way of doing it, but if I declare the following functions, and then invoke them as constructors, what will be the difference (if any) between the resulting objects?

function Something() {
    this.foo = "bar";

function something2() {
    var that = {};
    that.foo = "bar";
    return that;

var x = new Something();
var y = new something2();
var z = something2();

I.e. what will differ between x, y and z here?

Wouldn't something2 be a much better way of writing the constructor, since whether you use new or not will not affect the result of the function?

BTW should something2 be capitalized here? (I assume not since Crockford is so adamant on the capitalization, for functions will clobber the global namespace...)

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zrajm Avatar asked Apr 26 '12 06:04


2 Answers

In short:

new something2() instanceof something2 === false

Relatedly, if you extend your example to use the prototype property

Something.prototype.method = function () { };
something2.prototype.method = function () { };

you will find that the prototype is not inherited in the latter case:

typeof (new Something()).method === "function"
type (new something2()).method === "undefined"

The real answer is that you are tapping into entirely different underlying machinery. Calling with new invokes the [[Construct]] mechanism, which involves setting the [[Prototype]] property according to the .prototype property of the constructor.

But a funny thing happens in steps 8--10 of the [[Construct]] algorithm: after setting up a new, empty object, and then attaching its [[Prototype]], it does a [[Call]] to the actual constructor, using this new empty-plus-prototype object as this. And then, in step 9, if it turns out that that constructor returned something---it throws away that prototypally-bound, passed-as-this object that it spent all that time setting up!

Note: you can access an object's [[Prototype]] (which is different from a constructor's .prototype) with Object.getPrototypeOf:

Object.getPrototypeOf(new Something()) === Something.prototype // steps 5 & 6
Object.getPrototypeOf(new something2()) === Object.prototype // default

To answer some meta-questions:

  • No, don't capitalize something2, since it is a factory function and not a constructor. If something is capitalized, it is expected to have constructor semantics, e.g. new A() instanceof A.
  • If you're worried about the danger of clobbering the global namespace, you should start using strict mode, by putting "use strict"; at the top of your files. One of the many nice cleanups of strict mode is that this defaults to undefined, not the global object, so e.g. calling a constructor without new will result in errors the moment the constructor tries to attach properties to undefined.
  • Factory functions (aka the "closure pattern") are in general a reasonable substitute for constructors and classes, as long as you are (a) not using inheritance; (b) not constructing too many instances of that object. The latter is because, in the closure pattern, you attach a new instance of every method to every newly-created object, which is not great for memory usage. The biggest payoff, IMO, of the closure pattern is the ability to use "private" variables (which are a good thing, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise :P).
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Domenic Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09


In the second case, the returned object doesn't inherit anything from the constructor, so there's little point in using it as such.

> var x = new Something();
> var y = new something2();
> var z = something2();

I.e. what will differ between x, y and z here?

x inherits from Something, wheres neither y or z inherit from something2.

Wouldn't something2 be a much better way of writing the constructor, since whether you use new or not will not affect the result of the function?

There is no point in calling something2 as a constructor because the object it returns isn't the newly constructed object assigned to its this that inherits from something2.prototype, which is what others might expect to get when calling new something2().

BTW should something2 be capitalized here? (I assume not since Crockford is so adamant on the capitalization, for functions will clobber the global namespace...)

No, because calling it as a constructor is a bit pointless, so characterising it as one would be misleading.

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RobG Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09
