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Pjax animations

I finally got pjax working, but I have another question.. How do I add some jquery animation like fadeout/slideup old content and fadein/slidedown new content?

By default pjax just changes the content without any good looking effects..

Any help would be much appreciated.

Best Regards

like image 536
Maja Jelen Avatar asked Mar 06 '12 10:03

Maja Jelen

2 Answers

Basically, you have a bunch of events to latch on to and do as you like. Here's a basic fadeIn and fadeOut version using the pjax:start and pjax:end as triggers.

  .on('pjax:start', function() { $('#main').fadeOut(200); })
  .on('pjax:end',   function() { $('#main').fadeIn(200); })

Obviously you would swap #main for the container element you're swapping content in and out of.

like image 61
Marcel Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 06:10


Let's say you want to create a directory browser, just like GitHub.

Let's start with Twitter Bootstrap's carousel and create a view with markup to use it (hope you don't mind haml):

Here's the container:

    = yield

And here's a sample partial to render the pjaxed content within it:

  %div.glider-heading(data-title="#{@super_department.name} Super Department" data-resource="#{super_department_path @super_department.id}")
        %a.glider-link(href="#{divisions_path}")= "Divisions"
        %span.divider= "/"
        %a.glider-link(href="#{division_path @division.id}")= @division.name
        %span.divider= "/"
        = @super_department.name
    - @super_department.departments.each_with_index do |department, i|
        %a.glider-link(data-glide="descend" data-target="#uber-glider" href="#{department_path department.id}")
          = department.name

Now let's create some Javascript with pjax:

    "use strict";

  $(function() {
    $('#uber-glider-stage').on('pjax:success', function(e){
      var $incoming_group = $('#uber-glider-stage .glider-group')
        , $incoming_heading = $('#uber-glider-stage .glider-heading')
        , incoming_resource = $incoming_heading.data('resource')
        , $existing_groups = $('#uber-glider .glider-group')
        , $existing_headings = $('#uber-glider .glider-heading')
        , existing_last_idx = $existing_groups.length - 1
        , matching_idx = -1;
      $existing_headings.each(function(idx) {
        if ($(this).data('resource') === incoming_resource) {
          matching_idx = idx;
      if (matching_idx > -1) {
        // pop                        
        $('#uber-glider').one('slid', function() {
          for (; existing_last_idx > matching_idx; existing_last_idx--) {
            $('#uber-glider .glider-group').last().remove();
      else {
        // push        
        debug.debug("pushing 1 level");
        var $container = $('#uber-glider > .carousel-inner');

    $('.glider-link').pjax('#uber-glider-stage', { 'timeout' : '3000' }).on('click', function(){
      debug.debug(".glider-link click");

  $('#uber-glider .carousel-inner .item').addClass('active');
like image 27
Mark Paine Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 06:10

Mark Paine