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Transforming expression given in prefix notation, identifying common subexpressions and dependencies

I am given a bunch of expressions in prefix notation in an ANSI text file. I would like to produce another ANSI text file containing the step-by-step evaluation of these expressions. For example:

- + ^ x 2 ^ y 2 1

should be turned into

t1 = x^2
t2 = y^2
t3 = t1 + t2
t4 = t3 - 1
t4 is the result

I also have to identify common subexpressions. For example given

expression_1: z = ^ x 2
expression_2: - + z ^ y 2 1
expression_3: - z y

I have to generate an output saying that x appears in expressions 1, 2 and 3 (through z).

I have to identify dependecies: expression_1 depends only on x, expression_2 depends on x and y, etc.

The original problem is more difficult than the examples above and I have no control over the input format, it is in prefix notation in a much more complicated way than the above ones.

I already have a working implementation in C++ however it is a lot of pain doing such things in C++.

What programming language is best suited for these type problems?

Could you recommend a tutorial / website / book where I could start?

What keywords should I look for?

UPDATE: Based on the answers, the above examples are somewhat unfortunate, I have unary, binary and n-ary operators in the input. (If you are wondering, exp is an unary operator, sum over a range is an n-ary operator.)

like image 835
Ali Avatar asked Jan 30 '11 13:01


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What would be the prefix notation for the given equation ?( A +( b/c )*( d/e )- F?

The equation a|b&c will be parenthesized as (a|(b&c)) for evaluation. Therefore the equation for prefix notation evaluates to |a&bc.

What is a prefix expression write the pseudocode to convert an infix expression to a prefix expression?

Rules for the conversion of infix to prefix expression: First, reverse the infix expression given in the problem. Scan the expression from left to right. Whenever the operands arrive, print them. If the operator arrives and the stack is found to be empty, then simply push the operator into the stack.

2 Answers

To give you an idea how this would look like in Python, here is some example code:

operators = "+-*/^"

def parse(it, count=1):
    token = next(it)
    if token in operators:
        op1, count = parse(it, count)
        op2, count = parse(it, count)
        tmp = "t%s" % count
        print tmp, "=", op1, token, op2
        return tmp, count + 1
    return token, count

s = "- + ^ x 2 ^ y 2 1"
a = s.split()
res, dummy = parse(iter(a))
print res, "is the result"

The output is the same as your example output.

This example aside, I think any of the high-level languages you listed are almost equally suited for the task.

like image 182
Sven Marnach Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 18:10

Sven Marnach

The sympy python package does symbolic algebra, including common subexpression elimination and generating evaluation steps for a set of expressions.

See: http://docs.sympy.org/dev/modules/rewriting.html (Look at the cse method at the bottom of the page).

like image 39
payne Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 18:10
