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Testing in-app purchases

I want to test in-app purchases in my app on device with different Apple ID(not developer Apple ID). I add device in Apple Developer. But I still can’t do it. How I test purchases on device with not developer Apple ID?

like image 687
User Avatar asked Nov 08 '16 04:11


People also ask

Can I test in app purchase in TestFlight?

Your TestFlight user is a legitimate App Store user, but doing in-app purchases made with beta builds are free within the context of the beta version. You can enable up to 25 users per app from your iTunes Connect team to be internal testers and up to 2000 users to be external testers per app.

How do I debug in app purchases?

Open the app on the device. From Android Studio's Run menu, last option is "Attach debugger to Android Process" - select your device. You are now debugging.

2 Answers

if you're getting "Unknown Errors while creating Sandbox Tester, Please check Error Log, email=********@*****.****"

Here's the solution:

  1. some email servers aren't accepted (for example @bk.ru didn't work, @gmail.com accepted);
  2. you must use "strong" password (at least 1 capital letter, 1 number and 1 punctuation char);
  3. you may not use same email address twice (even if previously removed).

Recommendation (also recommended by Apple): gmail supports "extended" pseudo-addresses you may (and should) use for sandbox users: pretend you own myname@gmail.com - you may use myname+anythinghere@gmail.com (anything after + sign)

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Roman86 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09


You must create Sandbox Tester Account to test In App Purchase.

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Son Le Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09

Son Le