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TestFlight public link doesn't accept new beta testers

I created a public link for a group of testers but the link shows: "This beta isn't accepting any new testers right now."

The build has been approved and I set the limit to 10 testers.

TestFlight Beta Group Public Link Options

Why is the public link not accepting new beta testers?

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ricardopereira Avatar asked Dec 13 '18 09:12


People also ask

How do I enable TestFlight public link?

To enable your link, you'll need to be an Admin or App Manager. Go to your app's TestFlight page, click any external tester group, and click Enable Public Link. You'll have the option to set a limit for the number of testers that can join a group through your public link, and you can disable the link at any time.

How do I add beta testers to TestFlight?

To add Internal testers: Navigate back to your app in My Apps, select the TestFlight tab and click Internal Testing on the left-hand side; Now click the (+) sign next to the header Internal Testers; Check the box next to any eligible users who have not already been invited and click Add.

What is public link in TestFlight?

Apple launched Testflight public beta invite links as announced in last WWDC. Testflight public beta link. You can invite up to 10,000 testers using just their email address or a public invitation link.

2 Answers

Well, after writing this, I decided to check the build state and I noticed that the build was missing a step:

TestFlight Beta Group Build Notify Testers

After notifying the testers, the link now accepts new testers. The link shows: "To join the Mealcard beta, tap the link on your iPhone or iPad after you install TestFlight."

TestFlight Beta Group Build Notified

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ricardopereira Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09


If, like I found, you're finding clicking "Notify Testers" still doesn't work as outlined in Ricardo's post, give it 10 minutes to propagate across Apple's networks.

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jontyc Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
