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iTunes Connect - Can't invite "internal testers" for prerelease app

I got my app approved for distribution through the new Apple TestFlight app. I tried to invite an "internal tester" through iTunes Connect ->Prerelease ->Internal Testers but all I see are 2 info boxes:

  1. To start testing, select at least one Internal Tester.

  2. Internal testers can be added in Users and Roles. Internal testers are iTunes Connect users with the Admin or Technical role.

I already added an Admin an Technical user to Users and Roles but I can't invite them. How to invite an internal tester?

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Matt Avatar asked Mar 06 '15 22:03


2 Answers

Problem solved: The email for an internal tester was also used for an external tester. As soon as I removed the email from the external testers list I could invite the user as an internal tester.

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Matt Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09


To add people to internal testers you need to go

  1. "Users and Roles"
  2. List item
  3. Select the user Switch on Internal Tester
  4. Save

enter image description here

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David Wong Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09

David Wong