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Unable to invite internal users in apple TestFlight



I have no experience in publishing apps on the App Store. I have created an app from Xcode 6, archived it, validate it and submitted to iTunes Connect. While is pending for being reviewed I decided to try the new apple TestFlight functionality.

Following the tutorial video (https://itunesconnect.apple.com/downloads/Documentation/TestFlight-v09-iTC-Export-sw.mov) I have performed these steps:

  • I have added another apple ID that I own under the User & Role section giving him a Technical role
  • I have accepted the iTunes Connect email invitation for that user
  • I have selected my app, then my build and enabled it for TestFlight
  • I went under the Internal Testers section and invited the user

Still the status for the user is not being displayed as invited and I didn't received any email invitation to test the build.

The status didn't change to Invited

As you can see I also tried to invite my own apple id account, the status changed to invited but I didn't received any email...

In addition refreshing the page brings me back to no invitation at all for the new user:

enter image description here

Am I doing something wrong? I fear I am missing a step during the build submission or maybe that since the app is reviewing for the app store I cannot invite beta testers...

I have also tried to toggle again the testflight build toggle (as suggested here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26579651/2701348) but nothing changed.

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Niko Zarzani Avatar asked Nov 02 '14 10:11

Niko Zarzani

People also ask

How do I add an internal user to TestFlight?

To add Internal testers: Navigate back to your app in My Apps, select the TestFlight tab and click Internal Testing on the left-hand side; Now click the (+) sign next to the header Internal Testers; Check the box next to any eligible users who have not already been invited and click Add.

How do I resend the invitation email for TestFlight for internal tester?

Go to AppStoreConnect remove & add your account again. That will send you a new invite. Use ANY Apple ID to accept/redeem invite.

How do I add an internal tester to the App Store?

To add an internal tester, head to the Users and Access section in App Store Connect. For this example, use your own email address. If you were adding other internal testers, you'd use their email addresses and they would carry out the steps of accepting an invitation. Click the + button to add a new user.

Do I need UDID for TestFlight?

The devices UDID need to be registered in member center and the deployment profile MUST have the UDID of the specific device to download the app build. The app may be hosted on testflight or even dropbox (Only https: is supported).

2 Answers

The problem with inviting an internal tester is that you cannot have an internal and external tester with the same apple ID.

Although deleted and recreated the user in user roles I still had the same problem. When I removed the duplicate email from External Testers and went back to Internal Testers, the invite was sent.

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Vas Giatilis Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 03:09

Vas Giatilis

I managed to solve the issue. To make the invitations work again you must:

  • Under Internal Testers and Users and Roles: delete the users you are not able to invite
  • Under Users and Roles invite them again to join iTunes Connect
  • Enable them as testers
  • Go to your app build and invite them again as internal testers

Hope this might be useful.

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Niko Zarzani Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09

Niko Zarzani