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How to distribute multiple versions of my app?

I want to distribute two versions of my app, the stable branch as well as the current development trunk, using TestFlight. And, if possible, I want to invite the testers only once.

Can I have two versions of one app in one TestFlight team? Or maybe two app with different namens? Or can I create a second team and link it to the first one or copy the testers over?

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Tim Büthe Avatar asked Mar 14 '12 22:03

Tim Büthe

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Overview. Prepare your Xcode project for distribution before you upload a build to App Store Connect or export a build to distribute it outside of the App Store. Provide all the required information about your app—such as a unique bundle ID, build string, app icon, and launch screen.

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From My Apps, select the app you want to distribute privately. This will show you the app's page on App Store Connect. In the sidebar to the left, click on Pricing and Availability. Navigate to App Distribution Methods and select Private — Available as a custom app on Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager.

2 Answers

Unfortunately I think there is no nice way to do that. Your options are:

  • Two different TestFlight teams. You'll have to invite people to both teams. But, TestFlight is clever and if it already knows about a user in another team who is in the provisioning profile in the IPA you upload, then you select that they can access the build, it will auto-invite the user.

  • Use different app IDs for your stable and development branches.

I would personally go for the first option.

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mattjgalloway Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09


Yes. TestFlight now lets you distribute and test multiple builds at the same time, so testers can choose from a number of builds to test.

Tap on build in test flight(mobile app) and you can see an option i.e. -Previous Builds

First: enter image description here


Second Step:

enter image description here



enter image description here

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Vijay Sharma Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Vijay Sharma