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Can TestFlight's "What to test" field be edited before the build is submitted?

This may be an obvious "No", but here goes...

I'm using TestFlight, and I like to add build notes in the "What to test" field on the TestFlight page in iTunes Connect. However, the only way any users will actually see those notes is if you're able to slip them in and hit "Save" before the build finishes processing. If you add them after that point, the users don't ever know "What to test" because neither the email notification nor the TestFlight app itself will show the notes! This is absolutely ridiculous, of course, so is there another way? It'd be great if you could add a build the way you add an app (i.e. before you actually submit anything).

like image 912
jmoneystl Avatar asked Mar 10 '15 02:03


People also ask

How do I update TestFlight build?

After installing TestFlight 3 or later for iOS, iPadOS, or tvOS, or TestFlight for macOS, you'll be prompted to turn on automatic updates. This allows the latest available beta builds to install automatically. TestFlight will notify you each time a new build is installed on your device.

Is TestFlight app safe?

Apple TestFlight Can Spread Malicious Apps on iOS Apple, as you might know, distributes pre-production apps and games for beta testing by directly inviting users via links for people to test via the TestFlight app. TestFlight can be used by developers to invite up to 10,000 users to beta test an app or a game.

1 Answers

Ok so this is what you gotta do:

  1. Turn off TestFlight Beta Testing
  2. Upload your build
  3. Add your notes
  4. Turn on TestFlight Beta Testing

Once you turn it back on, your testers should get a notification WITH the build notes. Not sure why this wasn't working, but there it is.

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jmoneystl Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 22:09
