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How to Convert a StreamReader into an XMLReader object in .Net 2.0/C#

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Checking for a duplicate element in the OUTPUT

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Absolute Positioning using XSL to be transformed and rendered to PDF

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Blank xmlns="" Attributes From Import

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Bypassing namespaces while copying an XML with XSLT

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.NET XSLT transformation, is this really streamed?

c# .net xslt stream

How to select these elements with Xpath?

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DocBook XSL - ok to edit the original stylesheets?

xslt docbook

XSL: How to test if the current node is a descendent of another node

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Merge adjacent sibling nodes with XSLT


Transforming large Xml files

c# xml xslt out-of-memory

Retrieving XML node from a path specified in an attribute value of another node

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Find maximum value of all child elements and get its parent element in XSLT

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a beginner question on XSLT

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XSLT group by half hour

select the element which match the start-with name


XSLT Removing duplicates

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Combine Many XML Files

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How to get the time from a dateTime value?

How to split text and preserve HTML tags (XSLT 2.0)

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