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Get XML nodes from SQL Server column as comma-separated list

sql-server xquery

xQuery - count function


xQuery LIKE-operator?

sql xml xpath xquery

Is there an equivalent to SQL's IN clause in XQuery?


Parse XML using T-SQL and XQUERY - Searching for specific values

Explain xpath and xquery in simple terms

xpath xquery

XQuery counters inside a for

xml xquery counter

Limit number of results in xquery

xml xquery

How to use XQuery in C#

c# xml xquery

Passing XQuery xml element as external variable to Marklogic via XCC

xquery marklogic

How to unencode escaped XML with xQuery

xml xquery marklogic

Regex anchors inside character class

regex xslt xquery

How can I use xpath querying using R's XML library?

xml r xpath xquery

xQuery on XML file with namespace

xml namespaces xquery

Xquery to concatenate


Using XQUERY/Modify to replace a piece of my XML with value from varchar field

sql sql-server xml tsql xquery

XQuery multiple xml files?

xml xquery

avoiding XDMP-EXPNTREECACHEFULL and loading document

xquery marklogic

Updating variables in XQuery - possible or not?


Getting element names using XPath/XQuery

xpath xquery