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How to count each instance of distinct-values in XQuery?

Grouping and counting in Xquery

xquery marklogic

How to get list of document uri names from a database marklogic?

SQL Server XQuery with Default Namespace

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How to insert xml into a node in another xml using XQuery?

How to suppress indentation for XML output in XQuery

Most efficient way to count occurrences in XQuery for multiple values

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How to Generate an XML File from a set of XPath Expressions?

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Unit Testing XQuery

unit-testing xquery

How to get all namespace declarations of a single XML element

xml xpath xquery

Using SQL Server 2005's XQuery select all nodes with a specific attribute value, or with that attribute missing

sql-server xpath xquery axes

How do I Pivot on an XML column's attributes in T-SQL

sql sql-server xml tsql xquery

SQL Server XML Column exist() query

xml tsql xquery

Merging XML in an SQL Server

sql xml tsql xpath xquery

Concatenating xml values when selecting by XQuery in T-SQL

SQL Server : FOR XML sorting control by attribute

sql sql-server xml xquery sqlxml

Regular Expressions in MarkLogic's xQuery

regex xquery marklogic

Extracting child node values with QXmlItem as a QXmlQuery focus

c++ qt xpath xquery

XQuery - group by and count

xml xquery

Drop the "fn:" in MarkLogic functions?

xquery marklogic